6 Ways Pregnancy Could Bother Introverts

Pregnancy is an awesome thing to happen to any woman, but it can hit you like an embarrassment if you are an introvert. It becomes a thing more about others than about you or your baby. There is nothing a haplessly shy preggo could do other than fending off blushingly all the people and situations that she might encounter. Here are our top picks:

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1. The Touch-Me-Not

Imagine this shy woman laying down for a check-up. She will make a show of a rippling tummy right there even before the practitioner begins. Even the iconic belly dancers would have failed at displaying this flexibility, and they’d have taken notes from some introverted preggo. That is just how far she could yield for a routine check-up. When it’s time for the doctor to reach the nether-regions, this preggo would either die or make headlines for a hit-and-run case at the hospital.

2. The Vagina Dialogue

Despite her unwelcomeness, if you are associated with an introverted preggo, you would have to initiate a conversation about her pregnancy, especially through the advanced stages. It’s another thing that even an introvert could push the panic button in the hour of need, but it isn’t a bad idea to be in the loop. Therefore, a dialogue with her doctor is much better than a monologue, even if it meant to be about her v-jay-jay.

3. The Conspicuously Conscious Bitch

You could be the snobbish introvert, and be embarrassed by your introverted nature, but guess what, no one is interested in talking to you, not with that passive robot-like face, but for the huge watermelon that your tummy might look like now, people wouldn’t give you the time of day. It is that tummy of yours which has become a crowd-puller. Every stranger wants to talk to you – nope, they want to ask you – lots and lots of questions, while throwing free advice and carrying chunks of information for themselves. Some women would love to smother you as you bashfully fumble with your protrusion; you are just content they haven’t gotten to the posterior. Amidst the whole drama, you are lit up with a dragooned smile as you helplessly jogtrot from the scene.

4. The Shriek That Sounds Like The Witch From Hansel And Gretel

Expressing excitement? Is that a thing for introverts? Shower her with all the possible compliments on her newfound glow of pregnancy. She will reciprocate with a quaint smile. Nope, it’s not being sober. It’s just something you could expect of a zip-mouthed person. But it doesn’t matter. As long as she can shriek with laughter, that could make you think something is seriously wrong with her. It will be unbearable to see the “we never knew you could you could Laugh Out So Loud” woman surprise you. We call her the witch bitch.

5. Baby Shower Gets A Bit Fake

Yeah, right from receiving the guests, to announcing your due date, to hosting a game, to toasting the champagne – plus unwrapping the gifts, plus letting them know that you are excited – it could all take a toll over this introvert who fakes an, “OMG! This is so exciting!” under the wraps of nervousness. Hear her thank-you speech towards the end as she quivers and gulps between her lines. Once you’ve left, she will heave a sigh of relief and not believe she hosted the baby shower! Did she? The best she could communicate her excitement is over a Tweet or a Facebook post – within a limited circle.

6. An Introverted Preggo Is Never Alone

How could she be! She carries her baby for nine months more closely than anything else! So she is not alone at any given moment. If she were at an official or social meeting, her little one inside would be kicking back at her.

So, being an introverted preggo is not a bad idea, provided you can use your quick mind to good use for the many other events that will need your attention post-pregnancy. Save your introversion for then!

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