11 Ways To Soothe Baby's Upset Stomach

When the first sign of stomach trouble hits your infant, it’s common for parents to lose their minds. A baby with an upset stomach is hard to pacify. And every mom has experienced it at least once. You’ll want to help your baby in any possible way you can.

But what causes an upset stomach, gassiness, or constipation in babies? If you’re aware of the causes, the solution is easy. This is why you need to arm yourself with sufficient information so you can tackle your baby’s tiny tummy issues. To help you, below are some expert-backed ideas that should help you soothe it.

In This Article

What Causes Stomach Upset In Babies?

What Causes Stomach Upset In Babies?

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Gas is a primary cause of an infant’s belly pain. What your baby eats could trigger an upset stomach. And, it’s always possible for babies to have stomach issues due to the ingredients in the formula milk or even when transitioning to formula from breast milk (1).

1. A Baby Massage May Help

A Baby Massage May Help

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When your baby is little, their digestive system is yet to develop. A gentle massage can help solve your baby’s abdominal problems. Moving the top layer of your baby’s skin on the abdomen, limbs, and face can be relaxing for your baby (2).

2. Switch To The Right Formula Milk

Switch To The Right Formula Milk

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If your baby takes formula milk, make sure it is easy to digest. Try one that has milk proteins already broken down, making it easily digestible. These are known to have less lactose than regular formula milk. You can also look for formulas that contain probiotics since they aid in digestion for fussy babies. However, speak to your pediatrician about it before considering making a change (3).

3. Stop Overfeeding Your Baby

Stop Overfeeding Your Baby

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Generally, your baby will unlatch once they are done breastfeeding. However, it is difficult to tell if they are on a bottle. It’s essential to give your baby a little milk at a time. You can stick to a small amount every two hours. This should help prevent gassiness.

4. Keep Your Baby Free From Distractions

Keep Your Baby Free From Distractions

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When feeding your baby, keep your baby focused. Keep away sudden interruptions, bright lights, or loud noises. This should help them digest the milk better and prevent tummy troubles.

5. Burp Your Baby In Different Positions

Burp Your Baby In Different Positions

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It’s important to get the air out once your baby is done feeding. If a single burping position doesn’t get the air out, try others. On your legs, lay the baby on their tummy and gently pat their backs or lean them forward by hugging them with the head over your shoulder.

6. Burp Your Baby In Intervals

Burp Your Baby In Intervals

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Frequent burping breaks can aid in digestion. If your baby is bottle-fed, you can try burping them every three to five minutes. This should slow down your baby’s gulping and control the air intake. Or, if your baby is breastfeeding, burp them when you switch breasts.

7. Use A Warm Bath Or Towel

Use A Warm Bath Or Towel

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Your baby’s upset stomach can find relief with a bit of warmth. Sometimes, a warm bath can help your baby move their bowels and also get good sleep. Just check the temperature so that it’s not too hot. Avoid diapers or waistbands that are too tight, or they may add to their discomfort (4).

8. Keep Your Baby’s Position Upright

Keep Your Baby's Position Upright

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It’s a good practice to avoid feeding your baby when they’re lying down. If you breastfeed your baby, an upright football position or a laid-back hold is what you should aim for. Once your baby is done feeding, lying them down right away is counterproductive. Seat your baby upright for 20-30 minutes so they can have proper digestion.

9. What You Eat Matters

What You Eat Matters

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When you’re breastfeeding your baby, it is crucial to pay attention to what you eat. More often than not, dairy is the primary reason behind stomach upset or gassiness. If your diet comprises green veggies, garlic, broccoli, or fruits, it might discomfort your baby. However, eat them in moderation. These are healthy foods, so unless you’re sure these are causing a problem for your baby, don’t eliminate them.

10. Pick The Right Bottle For Your Baby

Pick The Right Bottle For Your Baby

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Often the nipple of your baby’s bottle is the reason for excess air entering your baby’s stomach. Hold the bottle for your baby, so the milk fills in the nipple. This should prevent excess air. You can also choose a bottle that’s designed to minimize trapped air in the bottle.

11. Experiment With Solid Food

Experiment With Solid Food

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If you’ve introduced solid food to your baby, switch things up. New solids can cause discomfort and shock to your baby’s stomach. This could lead to constipation. You can avoid rice and try oatmeal and bananas as these can get things moving and prevent bloating or stomach upset.

These simple solutions can help you take care of your baby’s upset stomach. If they don’t work, consult your doctor. Watch out for signs like refusing food persistently, vomiting green or yellow fluid, or breathing problems while feeding. How do you deal with your baby’s upset stomach? Do share your tips with us in the comments section below.

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