8 Ways To Cool Down While Pregnant

Pregnancy may be beautiful but a baby bump can certainly get uncomfortable every now and then. Couple that with hot weather and you’ve got one unhappy mom-to-be. Pregnant women find hot weather much harder to deal with as their body temperature is naturally high. Sometimes it isn’t even the weather that makes you work up a sweat. It could be hormonal changes, increased blood flow and warmth generated by your baby. So, it doesn’t matter if you’re experiencing a steady increase in heat or sudden hot flashes that leave you feeling dizzy, it’s all a part of being pregnant. But there’s no need to worry, there are several ways in which you can help your body cool down. Let’s take a look at a few!

In This Article

1. Stay Hydrated

Stay Hydrated

Image: Shutterstock

We all know the importance of drinking enough water, but when you’re pregnant, water is your new best friend. You should be drinking at least eight glasses of water per day to keep dehydration at bay. This means that you’ve got to carry a bottle with you if you’re on the go. Don’t wait until you’re thirsty to drink water, instead, keep taking sips at regular intervals. Continuous fluid intake will help your system stay cool.

2. Stay Out Of The Sun

This one’s a no brainer. Many pregnant women find that their skin is more sensitive and susceptible to sun damage anyway. So, staying out of the sun is the best course of action. If you do have to venture out however, make sure to lather on some sunscreen with a high SPF (at least SPF 30) to keep you safe. Opting for a hat will also help you stay cool and keep your scalp from coming directly in contact with the sun.

3. Wear Loose And Sheer Clothing

There’s a reason why pregnant women are often seen in flowy, lightweight dresses. It’s comfy and it keeps you cool! No, literally. Wearing a light and breathable fabric like cotton will do wonders compared to restrictive polyester t-shirts. Try linen pants instead of synthetic ones. These won’t encourage you to sweat and won’t stick to you. Incorporate more loungewear pieces into your wardrobe.

4. Keep Your Moisturizer In The Fridge

Moisturizer In The Fridge

Image: Shutterstock

We get it, you’re not a skincare guru. And you don’t own a minifridge for your endless collection of serums. Thankfully you don’t need one, or the serums to keep you cool. But keeping your daily moisturizer in the fridge will help you stay cool in the hot weather. The colder your cream, the cooler your morning or nightime routine will be. Besides, it’s so refreshing you’ll never want to give this hack up.

5. Ditch Your Duvet

As attached to your blanket as you may be, it may be a good idea to ditch all the extra layers during summer time. Falling asleep while pregnant can get tricky due to how uncomfortable you already are. And tossing and turning throughout the night will only make you feel hotter and will add on to that discomfort. You don’t need additional sheets and the duvet. Instead opt for a soft, thin cotton bedspread. Cotton keeps you cool and this will help you sleep through the heatwaves. You can also ask your partner to scootch up a little bit and give you some space so that their body heat doesn’t add to the equation.

6. Air Conditioning Can Help

Switch your fan on and let the cool air circulate your room. This is a great way to cool off while pregnant. It’s also better for you than staying in a room with stale air for long, like you would if you had the AC on. However, there is a way to make your own natural air conditioner. Simply freeze big bottles of water and place them in front of you while you sleep. If you travel a lot, try to carry a portable hand held fan to help you if you feel clammy and overheated.

7. Use Fragrance To Cool Down

Use Fragrance To Cool Down

Image: Shutterstock

Did you know that certain smells can help you cool off? Smells like mandarin and neroli essential oils are known to keep your body cool (1). These cooling properties can help you relax and unwind when you are hot and restless. You can use it by adding a couple of drops to witch hazel flower water or dilute it in normal water and use it as a spray. Research has shown that smelling neroli can decrease blood pressure and help you calm down if the hot weather is causing you to be irritable (2).

8. Avoid Ice Cold Baths

Avoid Ice Cold Baths

Image: Shutterstock

If you thought taking a cold bath will help your body cope with the heat, you thought wrong. Exposure to extremely cold water will constrict your blood vessels which will make your body retain heat. So, it’s best to stick with lukewarm water for showers. In fact, going warmer would work better at keeping you cool as it lowers your core body temperature (3).

It’s important to stay as cool as possible while pregnant to keep you and the baby safe. These tips will help you do that with ease. Is there anything we missed out on in our list? Let us know in the comments section!

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