Working Mom Burnout: 4 Ways To Cope With The Stress

Moms are probably the busiest people on earth. It’s a fulltime job that requires tons of energy and a range of different skills. But just like everyone else, this means that they get tired and frustrated and can experience burnout. Your mom might be your superhero but she’s human and needs to learn a few ways to destress. Burnout is rooted in the reality that life’s challenges can become overwhelming. As we juggle responsibilities within the constraints of time, stress can gradually deplete our energy, potentially leading to burnout.

Balancing the demands of work, personal life, relationships, and caring for our children can sometimes seem like an insurmountable challenge. Regardless of our resourcefulness, there may come a point where we reach our breaking point, finding it challenging to keep up with the multitude of demands. During such moments, it’s helpful to explore a few strategies for managing the stress that comes with the role of being a full-time mom.

In This Article

1. Ditch Perfection And Welcome Creativity

Ditch Perfection And Welcome Creativity

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Nothing’s perfect; not your kids, not you and certainly not the rigorous schedule you’ve planned for yourself. And that’s okay! Chances are that your need to do everything and do it well is getting you nowhere and the mountain of things you need to do will just keep growing. Instead of looking for perfection, which is a total action blocker, think of creative ways to get the small tasks done. Creativity might just be the answer to most of your problems as a working mother. Your motto must be “Work smart, not hard.”

But how do you get creative? Well this usually stems from enjoyment. Besides, how long has it been since you had an enjoyable moment with your kids? When you open your heart to enjoyment, you address your responsibilities in a more self-preserving way. This starts with even the smallest of things. You and the kids could have a dance party while mopping the floor and the one with the mop can dictate the dance move that everyone does. You could have an impromptu karaoke session while cleaning the house. Doing something you love and getting the whole family involved is a great way to enjoy menial tasks.

2. Learn To Trust Your Kids

Learn To Trust Your Kids

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We get it, your child is your treasure but that doesn’t mean that you need to keep an eye on them 24/7. This will only work you up and make you anxious. But you need to trust in your ability to parent when and give your kids the right kind of assistance to make good decisions. Parent the way it is right for you. Sometimes the stress of setting up an enriching environment for kids to develop well in can end up causing such a hassle that it defeats the entire purpose of it being put in place. Take a step back, assess the situation and do what’s best for your family. If you can’t drive the kids to extracurricular activities every day of the week, that’s fine. They learn more from playing anyway. Take things at your own pace and trust your kids to fill in the blanks.

3. The Workspace Cares For You

The Workspace Cares For You

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Support for working moms (or parents in general) is becoming the norm. This is a big win for parents everywhere. Companies are now taking note of their employees’ needs and are catering to their kids as well by making new HR policies. This kind of empowerment in the workspace has become integral for the company’s success. This means that there may be a daycare in your company that can take care of your kids while you work. Or extended maternity leave that you can apply for while expecting. Check your company’s policies and see how well it seeks to facilitate your lifestyle and responsibilities.

4. Be Aware Of Your Energy Source

Be Aware Of What Gives You Energy

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If you are all burnt out, it’s time to replenish your cup. You need to figure out what helps you recharge and relax. Is it a weekend away from the kids? Do you need a day to yourself? Maybe it’s your partner pampering you or a night out with your girlfriends. Whatever the case may be, it’s time to take care of yourself. If these things just aren’t possible to arrange at the moment, think of the little things you look forward to. For example, your kids hugging you, laughing with your coworkers or having a meal cooked for you at home. You can gain little boosts of energy by looking out for these gestures.

A mom’s life is hard, especially when you need to juggle adult life as well. But this doesn’t mean that you need to be exhausted forever. With a few tools, you’ll be able to cope with the pressure like a pro!

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Kezia John

Kezia JohnBA

Kezia holds a deep interest in writing about women adapting to motherhood and childcare. She writes on several topics that help women navigate the joys and responsibilities of being a new mom and celebrate every stage of their baby's development. When she is not writing for MomJunction, she sings in a classical Western choir and reads endlessly.