Ways To Feel More Comfortable In Your Skin After Pregnancy

There’s a lot of pressure on new moms to cope with all the developments that come with having a baby. Not only for their lifestyle but for their body as well. A woman’s body is truly miraculous. It can stretch out and expand wide enough to house a life for nine months, give birth to a baby, feed the baby and deal with all of life’s new demands. Unfortunately, the road to recovery after pregnancy can be bumpy and filled with new challenges. It’s okay to feel like you don’t really recognize your body anymore. Here are a few ways in which new mamas can reclaim agency over their own bodies and feel more like themselves during the postpartum period.

In This Article

1. Set Realistic Goals For Your Postpartum Body

Set Realistic Goals And Listen To Your Postpartum Body

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Don’t get over enthusiastic and set yourself up for failure during this crucial period! While it’s natural to have a desire to regain your pre-pregnancy shape, it’s equally important to be kind to yourself and recognize that your body has gone through a remarkable transformation. Setting attainable goals means understanding that it might take time to regain your strength, lose pregnancy weight, or achieve fitness milestones. It’s vital to focus on your health, well-being, and the nurturing of your baby during this period. Remember, each postpartum journey is unique, and patience, self-compassion, and a balanced approach to health and fitness are key to a positive and sustainable postpartum recovery.

The length of the process depends from person to person. Some may struggle with finding their core strength again and others with flexibility. And that is perfectly okay. Take your time to settle into your body and work with it, not against it!

2. Start Out By Taking Walks

Start Out By Taking Walks

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Taking walks is an excellent and gentle way to begin the journey of reclaiming your postpartum body. After giving birth, your body needs time to recover and regain strength. Walking not only provides a low-impact form of exercise but also offers a chance to get some fresh air. These leisurely strolls can help you gradually build stamina and increase your fitness level, all while allowing you to bond with your baby if you choose to bring them along in a stroller or carrier.

Besides, this can also be a way to get in some much needed alone time. Take the time to go on a 10 minute stroll and finally allow yourself to breathe and connect with the needs of your body. This will keep you from going insane. But if you’re concerned about letting your baby out of your sight, put them in the stroller and take them along with you. If you find it hard to walk for 10 or 20 minutes at a stretch, you can always break them down into sets. Do 10 minutes or 5 minutes at a stretch and then pause to catch your breath.

3. Vitamins Are Your Best Friend

Vitamins Are Your Best Friend

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Getting the right amount of nutrients is an important part of staying healthy and fit after your pregnancy. Vitamins are particularly good for you if you are breastfeeding as they help you restore your nutrients. Although, you should take vitamin tablets even if you’ve decided not to breastfeed as there are several other benefits to gain. For example, taking iron and vitamin C supplements can improve your skin and help your body cope with all the changes it is experiencing. But make sure to consult your doctor before you start taking any vitamins.

4. Focus On A Well-Balanced Diet

Focus On A Well-balanced Diet

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Eating right is one of the most important and beneficial things you can do in order to take back control of your body. It is an essential step to feeling like you can connect with your postpartum body. What nutrients does it need? What foods make you feel good and what would you rather avoid? It’s time to put yourself first and figure out what a healthy diet looks like for you. Protein and omega-3 fats will do wonders for your body and your mood. You’ll have way more energy to keep up with all the new baby chores which is exactly what you need. However, don’t forget to enjoy a treat once in a while. Everything in moderation!

Feeling like yourself again and getting a sense of your own body can take time after giving birth. It is important to give yourself the time to rest and patiently push yourself to be more active. Listen to what your body needs and soon you’ll feel connected to it like you never have before!

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