Ways To Prevent Your Children From Developing Body Image Issues

Almost everyone spends a lot of time surfing the internet and comparing themselves to others based on their looks. But children are most influenced by social media these days. Unfortunately, they consume too much data from these platforms, which heavily targets their innocent mindset and makes them believe what a perfect body image looks like. As a result, they feel ashamed of their own body, which affects their overall personality. But just like teaching your children how to tie their shoelaces, it’s essential to make them understand healthy body image too.

In this article, we’ll discuss some practical ways that you can introduce your and your children’s lifestyle to help them grow a healthy mindset about body image. But first, let’s briefly look at the definition of body image.

What Is A Body Image?

What Is A Body Image

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Body image means the way of seeing yourself. Kids that have a positive body image are confident in their appearance. They are comfortable with how they look, how their body works and improves, and what their bodies are capable of. A child’s overall identity includes their body image, which is why their self-image may suffer if they have a negative body image. It might make you feel less comfortable. A positive body image develops over time when children go through puberty. After that, what other people say about it shapes it. So, parents can take steps to promote a child’s positive body image.

1. Re-assure Them Frequently

Re-assure Them Frequently

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Self-acceptance leads to self-love. Parents must accept their children for who they are. They should reassure their children to help them feel at ease with themselves. Support them and let them know that they have your unconditional love. Also, you can help them build a better body image by introducing them to self-love. For example, ask them to look in the mirror and say a few sentences about themselves that makes them feel happy daily. This way, they will accept themselves easily.

2. Have A Friendly Discussion

Have A Friendly Discussion

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Encourage your kids to engage in a frank discussion with you. Don’t stop them when they talk and show real attention to whatever they say. You should provide children the freedom to express themselves and their points of view as children can feel like their parents don’t get them. They believe that their parents are scolding them constantly. If kids feel ignored, insulted, or misread by their parents, they will likely withdraw and limit communication.

3. Become A Role Model

Become A Role Model

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You’re not doing your children any good if you cry every time you wear a pair of skinny jeans, saying things like, “This leaves me feeling fat,” Instead, set a positive example and let your children see that you are at ease in your skin. Your kids always look up to you, so be a role model by breaking the norms and making them feel confident by doing things that once made you question your body image.

4. Choose Magazines Wisely

Choose Magazines Wisely

Image: IStock

You know how a fashion magazine can change anyone’s mood from flipping the pages to comparing themselves in seconds. So, when buying magazines for your home, always focus on educational magazines rather than those with modeling or paparazzi to help your kid develop an easy way of developing their body image.

5. Choose Your Words Wisely

Choose Your Words Wisely

Image: IStock

Try not to insult someone’s appearance when discussing them with your children. Watch the words you choose when speaking to your children. Some parents label their kids as “fat” to humiliate them. Avoid cruel comments such as, “That skirt looks prettier on you if you were thinner,” “Look at your friends. They are so muscular,” and “If you don’t drop fat, then nobody will befriend you.” These comments can further harm someone with a poor perception of themselves or their relationships. Instead, try to focus on a person’s qualities, such as being friendly or polite or having good manners, rather than their looks or physique. Then, your kid will copy you and see the positive in others.

6. Exercise Together

Exercise Together

Image: IStock

Exercising, yoga, and following an active lifestyle are the best ways to make your kids feel good about themselves and their bodies. Your children will feel boosted physically and mentally stimulated if you focus on exercise to become stronger rather than making weight loss your crucial aim. In addition, their personality will improve, and they will look more confident in the crowd.

7. Eating Is Not The Main Problem

Eating Is Not The Main Problem

Image: IStock

You and your kid should know that eating doesn’t make your body weak and unhealthy. It’s the food. You can teach your child about the various types of food and how it reflects on the body. For example, discuss the benefits of a balanced diet or vitamins and minerals essential for both physical and mental well-being. Ask your children if they want to lose weight to get healthier or to wear a cute dress. Some kids drastically cut down on their meals or skip meals to shed weight and maintain their lean physiques. You shouldn’t promote this.

A positive body image helps build a better personality and a healthier lifestyle. Encourage kids to see others and themselves with a positive body image. Hopefully, these tips will help you teach your little ones how to build a healthy perception of themselves and spread positivity. Let us know what you did to make your children feel good about themselves in the comment section below.

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