What Causes Babies To Arch Their Backs?

Babies burp, flip, paddle, jiggle, and whatnot. Everything they do just seems so cute but have you ever noticed your baby arching their back while they’re lying down? It may seem odd, but many babies get into this position from time to time. But why do babies arch their backs? Is it one of their ways of showing discomfort or just another random reflex like clenching their hands?

Well, keep reading to find out why babies arch their backs out of nowhere and whether it is a situation to worry about or not.

In This Article

Reasons Behind Baby Back Arching

Baby back arching is a common behavior observed in infants and toddlers. It’s often seen as an indication of discomfort, but it can also be a sign of something else entirely. This seemingly strange behavior has some very important developmental benefits that parents should know about. Listed below are the top reasons why your baby might be performing this baby yoga pose.

  • For Posture And Muscle Development

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Baby back arching helps in developing the infant’s muscles and postural control. When a baby arches their back it helps to strengthen the muscles in the neck and torso area. This can help with motor development as well as posture later on in life since these muscles will become even more important once they start crawling or walking around. This also helps in strengthening these muscle groups and also helps protect against common injuries like strains or sprains that can occur during physical activity.

  • Due To Reflexive Movements

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Some experts believe that arched-back behaviors in babies are caused by reflexive movements known as “startle responses.” These sudden jerky motions usually occur due to loud noises or other unexpected stimuli which cause an involuntary reaction within the body. This results in an arched back position with arms extended outwardly away from the center point before quickly returning once the stimulus has been processed appropriately by the brain centers responsible for regulating these types of reactions accordingly.

  • Due To Gassiness

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Gas in babies is caused by swallowed air while feeding, which then builds up in their tummies. This can cause discomfort as well as bloating and pain. When this happens, some infants will reflexively arch their backs to relieve the pressure from all that built-up gas inside them. Similarly, acid reflux (or GERD) causes stomach acids to travel back up into the esophagus instead of staying down where they should be. This too can make your baby uncomfortable enough to arch his or her back for relief from all those acidic sensations.

  • Due To Colic

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Some babies experience colic which can also cause them to arch their backs while crying inconsolably for long periods, usually more than three hours. Colic usually begins around two weeks after birth but typically subsides by four months old. However, it can last up to twelve weeks in some cases. While there isn’t one definitive cause for colic yet medical professionals believe that dietary changes such as avoiding dairy products might help alleviate symptoms associated with this condition including excessive fussiness and arched-back episodes during bouts of crying spells.

  • During Everyday Activities

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When it comes time for bedtime many times babies will arch their backs before settling down into sleep mode as another form of comfort-seeking behavior, after all, who doesn’t enjoy stretching out now and then? Babies also tend to move around quite a bit while sleeping due partly to not yet having full control over body movements but also because arched positions help relieve muscle tension built up throughout the day’s activities such as crawling or standing up on two feet.

During teething some infants will instinctively curl themselves into tight balls with arms tucked close by just like cats trying desperately to seek relief through warmth generated by curling up next to something soft. Arching helps alleviate pain caused by swollen gums pushing against teeth buds so that your little bundle of joy won’t have difficulty falling asleep at night despite feeling discomfort.

Moreover, when babies are nursing they often arch their backs as an instinctive response to the position they’re in and how it feels against them. This is because newborns have extremely sensitive skin that reacts easily to touch and pressure from being held too tightly or for too long.

Should You Consult A Doctor?

Arching the back is a sign that the baby has good control over his muscles and reflexes. This type of movement helps strengthen the baby’s core muscles which are essential for development as well as providing support during crawling movements later on in life. So while you may worry about your little one every time they arch their back, rest assured that this behavior isn’t something you need to panic about as it’s just part of growing up.

So, hopefully, you have all the information about this yet another fascinating thing a baby does. Do let us know in the comment section below what’d you do when you first encountered this act of baby yoga by your little one. Happy parenting!!


  1. Gastroesophageal reflux disease in neonates and infants: when and how to treat, NCBI
  2. Infantile Colic, NCBI
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