What Is A Sperm Allergy, And How Do I Know If I Have One?

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A sperm allergy, which is also known as semen allergy or human seminal plasma hypersensitivity (HSP), is a medical condition in which the proteins present in most male sperm can cause an allergic reaction (1). An otherwise rare condition, it is known to be common among some women, with over 40,000 women affected by this in the United States (2). In fact, it is also possible for one to be allergic to one’s own semen. And, this condition is called post-orgasmic illness syndrome (3). Are you worried about whether you are suffering from a ‘sperm allergy’? Don’t panic! Here, we will be discussing its symptoms, treatment, and its implications on the fertility in detail. After all, it is always better to be well-informed than to leave everything to assumption.

In This Article

What Are The Signs To Look Out For?

What Are The Signs To Look Out For

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You may be experiencing an allergic reaction if you notice certain symptoms soon after exposure. Usually, these signs appear in around ten to thirty minutes after coming in contact with the sperm. Here are the signs you need to be looking out for down there (4):

  • Swelling
  • Redness
  • Itching
  • Pain
  • Burning sensation

However, it is important to note that the allergic reaction is not just confined to the lady bits. It can appear in any area that has come in contact with the semen, including the skin or the mouth. And, these symptoms can stay for several hours or even a few days. While the allergic reaction is localized for some women, the symptoms may affect the entire body for others. This includes swelling, hives, or even difficulty in breathing.

For men, if they are allergic to their own sperm, they can experience flu-like symptoms like extreme fatigue, burning eyes, and feverishness soon after ejaculation. In fact, these symptoms may also be followed by certain cognitive disturbances like a peculiarly irritated mood or difficulty in concentrating. Though these symptoms disappear on its own within three to seven days, they may appear again after another ejaculation (5).

How Do You Diagnose This?

How Do You Diagnose This

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If you observe anything unusual after getting exposed to seminal fluids, consult your doctor immediately. And, if you feel that these symptoms might be due to sperm allergy, be honest with your doctor about the same. Also, try to be clear about when these symptoms seem to appear. Since research on sperm allergy is not that extensive, it makes the diagnosis pretty difficult.

If, at any point, you feel that your concerns are not being heard properly, request your doc to carry out a skin prick test. To perform this, your doc will first take a sample of your partner’s semen. And then, he/she will inject a diluted sample of the sperm slightly under your skin. If the medical professional notices any appearance of the symptoms, he/she will be able to make a diagnosis. However, if the symptoms aren’t triggered, he/she may perform further diagnostic testings.

Will This Affect Your Ability To Become Pregnant?

Will This Affect Your Ability To Become Pregnant

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The symptoms interfere more with the physical intimacy bit. Condoms may become essential during lovemaking, which is supposed to prevent you from conception. And, lovemaking without protection seems to be out of the question. While a sperm allergy might make it harder for a woman to conceive, it does not really hamper her fertility in any which way. And, you can always opt for in vitro fertilization or artificial insemination (6).

First and foremost, it is important to understand that women suspecting sperm allergy should immediately visit their gynecologist. They will help you figure out the next steps. Also, don’t let this dishearten you. You, along with your partner, can figure out something for sure and everything is going to be just alright. All the very best, ladies!

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