What Is Tiger Parenting And Why Do Some Swear by It, While Others Hate It

With so many parenting styles out there it’s hard to keep track of what’s what. But tiger parenting is one kind of parenting that has been growing in popularity and instead of the criticism, will not fade away. So what is tiger parenting and why are there so many mixed reviews about it? Tiger parenting has been associated with parents who are strict and set rigid rules for their little ones to follow. Like the animal it is named after they are seen as domineering and authoritarian. If you’d like a comprehensive view on tiger parenting to either determine if you are a tiger parent or figure out if this parenting style is for you, read on!

In This Article

What Is Tiger Parenting?

What Is Tiger Parenting

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Tiger parents are often known to push their child’s boundaries. They are not interested in raising happy children, they are more concerned with raising high achievers who set one grueling goal after another. They often take full control of their child’s lives in order to make them successful. They set unrealistic expectations of their kids, always wanting them to be perfect or better than the best. And they do all this in the name of making sure that their children have a good quality of life. Whether that means being financially stable, revered by their peers or just well liked in society.

Why Being A Tiger Parent Could Be Problematic

1. Be The Best At Everything

The Best At Everything

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It doesn’t matter if you play the piano or make candle sticks for fun, when it comes to tiger parents, hobbies are not just hobbies. They expect their kids to be the best at everything they do. To them, it’s all about standing out and gaining an upper hand. They openly share their dissatisfaction and disappointment with their kids if they don’t live up to their high standards. You’ll hear them call their children stupid or talentless for getting second place in a collage making competition, because everything has to amount to something.

And although this kind of mentality can ensure that your children are above average, they can also have negative repercussions. Your children will learn to attach their self worth and self esteem to what they accomplish and not who they are as people. They can turn out to be stressed, anxious adults who ask too much of themselves and are overly critical of themselves even if they are successful.

2. Work Over Fun

Work Over Fun

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Fun is a waste of time when you are a tiger parent. You don’t take into account that your children may be tired or stressed out and need to relax. The only thing that matters are results. So all the excess TV time and fun activities your kid’s friends do is nothing but a distraction to you. A tiger parent will tell you that children should want to improve themselves at every point in their day. It doesn’t mean if they find the activity enjoyable, if it brings value then it is a priority. This is why several children are forced into extracurriculars that they have no interest in, or are banned from pursuing anything they like. They’d rather the kids spend time studying or reading instead of gaming with their friends.

Benefits Of Raising A Tiger Kid

1. A Set Routine

Set Routine

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Tiger parents don’t mess around when it comes to discipline and this has major advantages. Tiger kids are extremely well behaved and have a set routine and rules. So, you’ll never catch them slacking. They are often into sports, music, academics and maintaining a healthy diet and bedtime all because their parents insist. Tiger parents organize their time and manage their life in order for their kids to have a better chance at success. They have a set time for each practice session, a study time, a meal time and a bedtime. And although this seems like a nightmare, it pays off in the end.

2. Children Learn How To Be Self-Sufficient

Children Learn How To Be Self-Sufficient

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Tiger parents might plan your whole future for you but they will never do things for you. As a child, you are expected to figure out how to solve your own issues and setbacks in order to get back on track and finish the task at hand. They are more or less like your coach, they think of the end game and any obstacle you face, you have no choice but to overcome. Now this may be extreme at times but there are certain benefits to this system. Their children are very independent and self-sufficient. They know that they are not allowed to ask for help so they focus their energy on solving problems by themselves, especially when it comes to juggling chores and assignments. They are self-reliant and have thick skin so they often do well in the real world.

So, what’s your take on tiger parenting? Would you ever consider giving it a go? Let us know in the comments section!

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