World Heart Day: How To Keep Your Child's Heart Healthy?

Did you know that helping your child make healthy lifestyle choices can significantly reduce the risk of heart disease later in life? (1). Taking care of your child’s heart health can mean significant lifestyle changes that can yield tangible benefits in the long run.

As mothers are the primary caregivers, they can shape a child’s attitudes and behaviors towards staying fit and incorporating an active lifestyle in their daily routine. There are several reasons why heart health should be a priority, the most important one being a longer life (2). World Heart Day is celebrated on the 29th of September every year. If you are wondering how to make healthy heart practices a habit in your child, look no further. Start this year and make a change — here are some great ways to get started:

In This Article

Begin Teaching Your Child Early

Begin Teaching Your Child Early

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In the early years, children have exceptional capacities to learn and absorb. The earlier you help your child imbibe healthy heart practices, the easier it is to follow them as a lifestyle. Following a routine and a disciplined lifestyle can be problematic later if they were not educated about the merits of a healthy diet and exercise while growing up. So, start early as prevention is better than cure.

Set A Good Example

Set A Good Example

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Your child will pick habits from you. What they see is how they behave. So, setting the right example for your child is the key to teaching them healthy heart habits. Asking your child to stop eating mac and cheese or french fries won’t do any good if they notice you indulging in junk food!

Children are impressionable so leading them by example is the best way to teach them the merits of an active lifestyle for good heart health. Get the whole family to practice eating healthy and exercising regularly if you want your child to develop these good habits without much resistance.

Promote Physical Activity

Promote Physical Activity

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To grow up strong and healthy, kids need to be active. A poor lifestyle behavior is to blame for increased heart diseases and other chronic diseases (3). The benefits of exercise for children are numerous. Studies show that sitting less and exercising more can improve your child’s cardiovascular health (4).

The Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) suggests that preschool-aged children between three to five years of age should participate in physical activities throughout the day. School-aged children need at least sixty minutes of daily activity (5). Here is how you can introduce your child to fun physical activities:

  • Limit their screen time so that they spend fewer hours glued to electronic gadgets.
  • Make early morning or evening walks a habit. You could also use this time to communicate and form an affectionate bond with them.
  • Your child can exercise indoors and outdoors, but what matters is that they need to engage in moderate to vigorous physical activity regularly for improved heart health.
  • Take them to parks or places where people are involved in active plays or rigorous sports.
  • Enroll them in a recreational sport of their choice. It could be anything like skating, bicycling, and swimming so that they enjoy the lifestyle change.
  • Discourage sitting for prolonged periods. Keep things they need beyond an arm’s distance so that they have to move to fetch them.

Keep A Close Eye On Their Diet

Keep A Close Eye On Their Diet

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Eating healthy is one of the smartest ways to take charge of your heart health. Consumption of foods low in saturated and trans fats, refined carbohydrates, added sugar, and sodium can improve diet quality and nutritional content. Poor dietary habits in children can contribute to heart diseases. What goes into your child’s mouth determines how they feel both internally and externally, as gut health can influence their overall moods (6), (7).

  • Experiment with foods that support their heart health and include healthier choices like good fats from fish, flax seeds, nuts, avocados, olives, groundnuts, sunflowers, and canola oil in their diet (8), (9).
  • Encourage your child to eat more green leafy vegetables, fruits, and whole grains to support a heart-healthy lifestyle. To begin with, you can try the Mediterranean diet that is both plant-based and less restrictive (10).
  • Obesity, high blood pressure, and diabetes are among the common causes of heart disease in children these days (11). So, limit indulgent foods like desserts for special occasions.

Ensure Your Child Is Happy

Ensure Your Child Is Happy

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Stress and anxiety are significant contributors to heart failure (12). Parents must make their child’s mental health a priority. Look for signs that indicate anxiety or depressive tendencies and manage their stress levels by talking to them and developing a positive relationship. Seek out the help of a therapist if medical intervention is needed. An early diagnosis of mental health issues can help you take necessary precautions.

Cut Down On Smoking

Cut Down On Smoking

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Research has found strong linkages between smoking and cardiovascular diseases or strokes. Smoking can lower “good” cholesterol and damage blood vessels. Passive or non-smokers have 25-30% higher chances of developing heart disease (13). Make sure you cut down on this bad habit to limit your child’s exposure to harmful smoke and protect yourself and your child’s heart health.

These tips should help you kickstart the journey into adapting healthy heart practices for your child. Start slow and maintain a checklist to track your child’s progress and achievements. Also, don’t forget to celebrate their successes so that their self-esteem improves. Remember, the happier your child is, the better is their heart health!

Making a lifestyle change is a process, and it might take some time to notice major differences. Being patient and encouraging are the best ways to support and help your kids grow. So, don’t give up! How do you keep your child’s heart healthy at home? Do share with us your tips in the comments section below!

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