YouTuber Reveals The Gender Of His Child In Unconventional Way

When you have been trying to get pregnant for too long, it feels euphoric when that dream finally becomes a reality. But, the minute the news sinks in, million other questions start popping in your head. And, one of the most recurring ones pertains to the gender of your child. You keep racking your brain wondering the same. Almost every thought starts with ‘if it is a girl’ or ‘if it is a boy’, isn’t it?

Probably, that is the reason why we see so many videos on the internet where the expecting parents reveal the gender of their child. These heartwarming videos can bring tears to anyone’s eyes. But, then there are also parents like the popular YouTuber Micheal Jones, famously known as LtMkilla, who revealed his child’s gender in the most unconventional way imaginable.

This famous YouTuber has gained popularity quite quickly and has a viewership of almost 350,000 subscribers. For those who came in late, LtMkilla is the one who shot a video of himself gorging on a sandwich with as many as ten McRibs. His channel has videos ranging from video game collections to crazy entertainment clippings. Now, the recent addition to this collection is the unconventional gender reveal of his soon-to-arrive baby.

The expecting father

Image: Shutterstock

The expecting father, Micheal, states in the video description that the “exploitation of unborn fetus” begins with this video upload. ‘Delicately’ pieced together, don’t you think? Yes, don’t worry, we were being sarcastic there.

The video starts with Micheal saying that he and his wife, Lindsay, are having a human baby this year in June. He then picks two dolls – one representing a baby girl while the other one represents a baby boy. He goes on to then have a small unnecessary description of the two ethnically diverse dolls he is holding. After which, he drops those babies, laughs about how that should not be done with real babies, and then steps on one of them.

Micheal then elaborates on the purpose of the video, stating that he is here to reveal the gender of the baby to the entire YouTube world. He shows off some golf balls he has recently “acquired”, which he is going to use for the said purpose. These are just random balls filled with blue and pink powders. Obviously, blue represents a baby boy and pink, a baby girl.


Image: Shutterstock

Micheal first throws both the balls onto the floor to create a charming effect, with the blue and pink powder splattered on the floor. He then takes one golf ball (with the hint to the real gender of the baby inside) and he places it on the ground. He picks up a golf club and tries to hit the ball on the ground. He misses it in his first swing, which is essentially again just a comical gimmick. Micheal again tries hitting the ball and is successful. And out splashes the pink powder!

And, tada! We now know that this popular YouTuber is about to have a little baby girl. Micheal ends the video with another snarky remark on the reproductive organs of his future baby, almost making you hope with all your heart that he is just kidding.


Image: Shutterstock

We know that you must be as surprised as we are with this truly unconventional gender reveal. Far from heartwarming, it is just plain crazy. But then, the joy of having a baby is unmatched and unparalleled. And, every parent out there shares this happiness in their own unique way. Mostly in a way they know best!

This holds truer for men, who usually find it harder to share their emotions with people, in a serious fashion. But probably this joy is such that even expecting fathers figure out a unique way to express the immense happiness they feel inside!

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