A fraction is a mathematical expression to represent parts of a whole. The top number is known as numerator and represents some parts of the whole number, the bottom number is called the denominator and tells about the total number of parts. There are certain rules to follow while adding, subtracting and multiplying fractions.
Children need to learn these rules early on, as these form the basis for advanced mathematical concepts like algebra. Also, fractions will be applicable in solving small puzzles and mathematical quizzes. Here is a worksheet to help your children learn addition of fractions with different denominators.
Metric System: Units Of Weight
Units of Volume: Convert Cups, Pins, Quarts & Gallons
Units For The Measurement Of Capacity - Cups, Pins, Quarts & Gallons
Metric Units Of Weight: Grams And Kilograms
Units Of Weight: Ounces And Pounds
Learn Metric Units Of Length
Convert The Unit Between Meters, Centimeters and Millimeters
Convert The Measurements Between Inches, Feets And Yards
Standard And Expanded Forms
Write Numbers In Expanded Forms
Units of Length: Inches, Feets, Yards, Miles
Identify The Place Value Of The Highlighted Digit
Combine 1000s, 100s & 10s and Form Numbers From Place Value
Introduction To Place Values
Metric System Of Measuring Volume
Volume And Capacity Word Problems
Metric System Of Measuring Length
Measuring Length Using Metric System
Measure Weight Using Metric Units
Fractions Worksheet: Add Mixed Fractions And Numbers Having Like Denominator