83 Cambodian Baby Girl Names With Meanings


Cambodian baby girl names are often easy to identify because of the distinctive meanings they possess in comparison to male names. Cambodian names are also known as Khmer names. These are derived from Khmer, Sanskrit, Pali, and Chinese. Usually, females are given names related to the attributes of beauty or associated with gentle connotations, while males are given names of virtue. However, Cambodian names are not gender-specific and possess poetic meanings. Cambodia is considered a homogenous country, with 97.6% of Cambodians identifying as ethnically Khmer and 96.9% of the population identifying as Buddhists. Therefore, the meanings of Cambodian names are heavily infused with certain Buddhist principles like calmness, tolerance, and responsibility for one’s actions (1). The majority of Cambodian people prefer to stick to the Cambodian naming traditions, however, there are a few who may change the arrangement of their names according to Western conventions. Chinese and Vietnamese Cambodians follow their specific naming customs. The names in Cambodia often begin with a surname and followed by the given name. The given or personal name of the individual will serve as the personal identifier. Surnames are passed on from the parents and shared with immediate family members. They are usually derived from the father, similar to the English Western naming practices. Alternatively, some Cambodian surnames have a patronymic root, meaning the surname that is given to the child is taken from the father’s personal name. The concept of a middle name is considered to be rare in Cambodia. Illustrating more on Cambodians who wish to change the arrangement of their names according to the English Western tradition, this is usually followed by Cambodians living abroad or in Englishspeaking contexts to fit the Western naming conventions. They would simply place their last name before their surname (1). We have compiled a list of feminine names that highlight the culture and language of Cambodia. Have a look.

Name Gender Meaning
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Baby Girl Sign Girl Flowers
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Baby Girl Sign Girl Moon; filled with light
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Baby Girl Sign Girl Thought; Intellect
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Baby Girl Sign Girl Big Water
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Baby Girl Sign Girl Sweet smelling or beautiful fragrance.
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Baby Girl Sign Girl An attribute; Characteristic; Quality
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Baby Girl Sign Girl A sage-like, innocent, and important person
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Baby Girl Sign Girl Short form of Selena; Rock; Moon
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Baby Girl Sign Girl Well-born; Well-grown
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Baby Girl Sign Girl Perfect girl
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Baby Girl Sign Girl Angelic
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Baby Girl Sign Girl One who is wonderful and marvelous
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Baby Girl Sign Girl The morning sun
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Baby Girl Sign Girl A princess
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Baby Girl Sign Girl Like a flower
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Baby Girl Sign Girl Frangipani flowers.
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Unisex Baby Sign Unisex Prosperity and success
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Unisex Baby Sign Unisex A sweet-smelling tree
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Baby Girl Sign Girl Moonlight
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Baby Girl Sign Girl One who shines like the Moon
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Baby Girl Sign Girl Face resembling the Moon
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Baby Girl Sign Girl A girl as beautiful as the Moon
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Unisex Baby Sign Unisex A flower found in Cambodia
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Unisex Baby Sign Unisex A scholar or an educated person
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Baby Girl Sign Girl The one who is blue and pink in color
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Baby Girl Sign Girl Meditation
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Baby Girl Sign Girl A glamorous woman
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Baby Girl Sign Girl Life
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Baby Girl Sign Girl A woman who is refreshingly beautiful
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Baby Girl Sign Girl Angel
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Baby Girl Sign Girl A bright star
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Baby Girl Sign Girl Radiant jewel
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Baby Girl Sign Girl Beautiful and lovely woman
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Baby Girl Sign Girl A woman of character
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Baby Girl Sign Girl A beautiful quality
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Baby Girl Sign Girl Angels
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Baby Girl Sign Girl A heavenly woman
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Baby Girl Sign Girl A pretty rose flower
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Baby Girl Sign Girl A noble-born woman
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Unisex Baby Sign Unisex A tiny golden brown flower.
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Unisex Baby Sign Unisex Mysterious; Unique
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Baby Girl Sign Girl Characteristic; Quality
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Baby Girl Sign Girl Name of southeast Asian jasmine
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Baby Girl Sign Girl Blossom
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Baby Girl Sign Girl Flower garland
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Baby Girl Sign Girl Resembling a flower
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Baby Girl Sign Girl A precious stone; Gem.
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Baby Girl Sign Girl Night-blooming flower
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Baby Girl Sign Girl White four-leafed flower
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Baby Girl Sign Girl A gentle girl
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Baby Girl Sign Girl Soft and tender
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Baby Girl Sign Girl The youngest daughter in the family
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Unisex Baby Sign Unisex Loyalty and honesty
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Baby Girl Sign Girl To have faith
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Baby Girl Sign Girl Wreath
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Unisex Baby Sign Unisex Diamond
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Unisex Baby Sign Unisex Darling or dear
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Baby Girl Sign Girl Light or illumination
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Baby Girl Sign Girl A gentle spirit
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Baby Girl Sign Girl Cambodian word for plum
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Baby Girl Sign Girl Night
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Baby Girl Sign Girl Ray of light
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Baby Girl Sign Girl A beautiful woman
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Baby Girl Sign Girl Shining and sparkling
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Unisex Baby Sign Unisex Sunshine
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Baby Girl Sign Girl A beautiful country
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Baby Girl Sign Girl A type of flower
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Baby Girl Sign Girl A water plant with a bluish flower
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Unisex Baby Sign Unisex Hardworking; Busy
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Baby Girl Sign Girl Thai greeting
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Baby Girl Sign Girl Thai greeting
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Baby Girl Sign Girl Like a full Moon in the sky
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Unisex Baby Sign Unisex One who is peaceful and content with his or her life
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Baby Girl Sign Girl A peaceful woman
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Baby Girl Sign Girl One who creates a good first impression
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Baby Girl Sign Girl She who is a clever and wise one
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Unisex Baby Sign Unisex One who is proper and gentle
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Baby Girl Sign Girl One who is attractive and beautiful
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Unisex Baby Sign Unisex He who is golden
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Unisex Baby Sign Unisex Golden, radiant, beautiful
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Baby Girl Sign Girl He who is made of gold
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Baby Girl Sign Girl An angel
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Unisex Baby Sign Unisex Exceptional; Excellent

If you want exotic and unique names for your little princess, this list of Cambodian baby girl names might be your solution. We have included a variety of names with beautiful and delicate meanings derived from Khmer, Chinese, Sanskrit, and Pali. These names have a poetic ring because of their meanings associated with the moon, flowers, and celestial beings. Cambodian names can be used whether you are of Cambodian origin or someone who wishes to exhibit the beauty of this nation.

Infographic: Dazzling Cambodian Baby Girl Names With Meanings

Cambodian baby names are derived from various languages such as Khmer, Pali, Sanskrit, and Chinese. These names contain poetic meanings and are associated with gentle qualities, making them an ideal choice for your little girl. The infographic below displays Cambodian baby names for girls. Check them out and bestow the best one on your little queen.

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are Cambodian naming conventions for baby girls?

Cambodian baby girl names are usually derived from Khmer and consist of a surname and a first name. Except for the Hmong tribes, who write their name in the first name-surname format, Cambodians write their surname followed by their first name. The surname is usually the family's surname or the father's name (2).

2. How have Cambodian baby girl names evolved?

Several historical events have had an immense impact on Cambodian names. In the earliest period (5000 BCE-800 CE), the country saw an incursion of Indian culture. During the later period (800 CE-1450 CE), the Khmer Empire was established, and Buddhism was introduced. From 1450 CE-1863 CE, outside pressures increased. Meanwhile, there was a mass conversion to Buddhism around that time. In the colonial period (1863-1953), the French introduced new names to the people (3). All these events have influenced baby names in Cambodia.

3. Are there any unique or unusual Cambodian baby girl names?

Cambodian baby girl names like Sokha (health), Botum (lotus), and Kolab (rose) are unusual and rarely used.

4. How do Cambodian baby girl names reflect the country's history and culture?

Cambodian baby girl names may be derived from Hindu epics and Buddhist texts. Names like Sita (furrow) and Makara (January) are connected to Cambodia's religious history. Moreover, names like Sisowath, Norodom, and Monineath are famous women who have left a mark on Cambodian history. Jayarajadevi and Indradevi are royal names connected to Cambodia's royal culture.

5. How are Cambodian baby girl names typically chosen?

Cambodian baby girl names usually have a poetic connotation or a positive virtue. Though many Cambodian names are not gender-specific, baby girl names tend to have feminine or gentle meanings.


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  1. Cambodian Culture.
  2. Naming systems of the world; https://web.archive.org/web/20080423002014/http://homepages.newnet.co.uk/dance/webpjd/intro/worldnamexa-g.htm
  3. Cambodian History;
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Vidya TadapatriMSc (Biotechnology)
Vidya did her post-graduation in Biotechnology from Osmania University, Hyderabad. Her interest in scientific research and writing made her pursue a career in writing, in which she now has over five years of experience. She has done certified biotechnology-related training programs under renowned organizations such as Centre For Cellular & Molecular Biology and Department of Biotechnology.

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Trisha worked as a schoolteacher for three years before taking up professional writing in 2021. She completed her masters in English from the University of Calcutta and bachelors in Education from the University of Burdwan.

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