191 Baby Boy Names That Mean Delight

Baby boy names meaning delight have held a special place in cultures worldwide, reflecting the joy and happiness a new child brings. These names showcase the value societies place on pleasure and positivity. In ancient Greeco-Roman culture, names deeply intertwined with customs and traditions reflect the child's role in spreading positive energy. The Greeks associated the goddess Hedone with pleasure, enjoyment, and delight. In Roman mythology, the goddess Volupta is personified as the goddess of pleasure. Both these cultures associated delight or joy with reproduction and generational progression. Similarly, in Indian culture, names related to delight are inspired by nature, mythological creatures, deities, emotions, and virtues. The name Anand, signifying ‘bliss and delight,’ is derived from the philosophy of Ananda. In Hindu scriptures, such as the Vedas and Upanishads, Ananda denotes the eternal bliss that follows the end of the rebirth cycle. It is a part of the divine triad, Sat-Chit-Ananda, wherein Sat means ‘existence’ and Chit implies ‘intelligence.’ In Ancient Greek philosophy, true happiness comes from self-awareness or sophrosyne. It is a state of absolute contentment, the opposite of hubris or self-pride (1). The Japanese philosophy of ikigai refers to the passions of life that give it value and satisfaction, such as children or family and friends, and activities, such as work and hobbies. In Japanese tradition, names reflecting joy emphasize the generational transition within the household. Among African and Middle Eastern cultures, names derived from Swahili and Arabic highlight deeply rooted religious beliefs and historical events. Naming ceremonies are often marked by festive gatherings and meaningful rituals, reinforcing the cultural and traditional importance of the happiness surrounding a baby's birth. Thus, traditions and philosophies across cultures lay the base for baby boy names meaning delight. The following names bring you unique cultural associations from across the world. Do go ahead and pick what you love the most for your little prince.

Name Gender Meaning
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Delight; Place of pleasure
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Joy; Happiness; Bliss; Delight; Pleasure; Harmony
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Colored; Pleased; Delighted; Joyous; One who is victorious in battle
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Always Happy; Joyful; Glad; Delighted; Blessed by Lord Muruga who is considered as bestower of happiness
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Baby Boy Sign Boy The delighted one
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Delighted; Pleased; Glad; Charmed
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Pleasure; Delight; Source of enjoyment; Desire
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Delightful; Happy; Glad; Cheerful; Joyful; Merry
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Cheerful; Happy; Joyful; Delighted; A variant spelling of Harshan
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Delightful, cheerful individual
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Baby Boy Sign Boy One who is quickly satisfied; Delight and pleasure; One of the names of Lord Shiva
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Baby Boy Sign Boy A delightful person
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Joy; Bliss; Happiness; Delight; Pleasure; Good fortune; Contentment of joy
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Baby Boy Sign Boy The delight of a person
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Delight; To have great pleasure; someone who gives joy and enjoyment
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Joyous Person; A variant of the name Aahlaad; Delight
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Full of joy; Filled with happiness; Delight; Pleasure
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Adorable; Charming; Very attractive; Delightful
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Delighting in Fearlessness; Brave; Courage
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Joy; Delight; happiness; glad
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Baby Boy Sign Boy To Rejoice; To Celebrate; To Praise; To Bless; Delighted
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Baby Boy Sign Boy One who Delights
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Enjoy; Joy; Causing Delight; Refreshing; one who experiences joy and pleasure in life
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Enjoy; Joy; Causing Delight; Refreshing; one who experiences joy and pleasure in life
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Joyous oerson; One who enjoys life and is always delighted; A variant of the name Ahlad
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Joyous person; One who enjoys life and is always delighted; A variant of the name Ahlad
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Joyful; delightful; one who is always glad and happy
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Forever in Peace and Delight; Eternally Happy and Cheerful
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Ever Happy; Unlimited joy; Never ending delight; Limitless Pleasure
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Nectar; Delight ; A Variant of the name is Amiy
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Baby Boy Sign Boy One who brings happiness; Bliss; Joy; Pleasure and delight
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Joy; Happiness; Bliss; Delight; Pleasure; Harmony
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Happiness; Joy; Delight; Bliss; Pleasing
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Beautiful; Pleasing; Appealing; Worthy; Charming; Delightful
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Handsome; Beautiful; Pleasing; Appealing; Worthy; Charming; Delightful
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Handsome; Beautiful; Pleasing; Appealing; Worthy; Charming; Delightful
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Eternally Happy; Blessed with Joy and Delight for ever in life
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Baby Boy Sign Boy One who is quickly satisfied; Delight and pleasure; One of the names of Lord Shiva
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Blissful; Happy; Delightful; Joyous; Pleasant
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Wavy; Bowed; Delightful; Handsome; Mischievous; Charming; Naughty
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Pleasure; Play; Happiness; Delight; Enjoyment
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Bliss; Happiness; Delight
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Supreme Happiness; Joy; Delight
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Blissful; Supreme Consciousness; Pure Delight; Joy; State of serenity
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Blissful; Supreme Consciousness; Pure Delight; Joy; State of serenity
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Happy; Delighted; One who has attained enlightment through meditation
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Happy; Delighted; One who has attained enlightment through meditation
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Inner Joy; Happiness; Delighted; One whose thoughts are joy providing
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Pleased by gods; One who is delighted by God
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Joy of the Gods; Happiness; Delight of God
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Heartfull; One who is filled with happiness, delight, joy, and love
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Happy; Delighted; Joy; Pleasant; Glad
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Happy; Delighted; Joy; Pleasant; Glad
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Cute; Loving Son; Clever; Appealing; Delightful; Charming; Attractive; Precious
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Happy; Delighted; Joy; Pleasant; Glad
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Happiness; Delighted; Joyful; Glad; Rejoiced
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Born of Wood; Fire; Happiness; Delight; Joyful
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Happiness; Joyful; Delighted; Charmed; Ecstatic
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Happiness; Joyful; Delighted; Charmed; Ecstatic
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Happiness; Joyful; Delighted; Charmed; Ecstatic
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Happy; Delighted; Content; Joyful; A variant of Hani
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Baby Boy Sign Boy One who Delights in God; Blissful through Lord's Love; One whose happiness is through God's Love
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Baby Boy Sign Boy One who is happy; Joyful; Delighted; A variant of the name Harisha; Happiness
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Blissful in God's Remembrance; Happy and Delighted with God's Memories
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Very Happy; Joyful; Delighted; Cheerful
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Delight; Joy; Happiness; Cheerfulness; Gladness; Ecstasy
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Delighted; Joyful; Happy; Cheerful; Glad; Ecstatic
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Glad; Cheerful; Happy; Joyful; Delighted
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Full of Joy; Full of Happiness; Cheerful; Filled with Delight
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Causing Delight; One who brings Happiness, Joy and Cheer in life
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Creator of Happiness; Increases Joy; One who blesses with joy, delight and pleasure
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Light of Joy; One who is radiant and bright with happiness and delight
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Delighting; Joyful; Happy; Cheerful; Glad; Ecstasy
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Cheerful; Happy; Joyful; Delighted
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Glad; Cheerful; Happy; Joyful; Delighted
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Ecstasy Person; Cheerful; Happy; Joyful; Delighted
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Baby Boy Sign Boy A Brave warrior who is Cheerful; Happy; Joyful; Delighted
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Joyous; Happy; Cheerful; Merry; Delighted; Blissful
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Baby Boy Sign Boy God of Happiness; God of Joy; Giver of delight
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Happy; Full of joy; Cheerful; Delighted; One who is always merry
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Smile; Happiness; Delight; Joy; Deer
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Baby Boy Sign Boy One who Increases Happiness; One who blesses with joy, delight and pleasure
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Conquered pleasure; One who wins happiness; Joy; Delight
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Full of Laughter; Full of Happiness; Always Smiling; Joyful; Full of Delight
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Full of Laughter; Happy; Always Smiling; Joyful; Full of Delight
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Creating joy; Happiness; Delight
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Baby Boy Sign Boy One who brings happiness, joy, delight, and merry to others
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Enjoy; Happy; Joyful; Delighted
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Full Of Laughter; Happy; Always Smiling; Joyful; Full of Delight
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Happy; Content; Glad; Delighted; Joyful
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Happy; Content; Glad; Delighted; Joyful
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Baby Boy Sign Boy To Be Delighted; Happy; Glad; Joyful
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Eternal happiness; Eternal joy; Everlasting delight
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Eternal happiness; Eternal joy; Everlasting delight
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Happy; Glad; The Sun and the Moon; Delight; Joy; Pleasure
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Glad; Happy; Delight; Joy; Pleasure
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Joy of Victory; Delight of Triumph; Happiness of the winner
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Joy of Winning; Joy of Success; Happiness from Victory; Delight of Triumph
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Joyful person; One who is happy and delighted
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Victory Light; Light of happiness, joy and delight
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The resonance of baby boy names meaning delight underscores the universal celebration of joy in new life. From Greek to Swahili, these names reflect a shared appreciation of the enduring value of positivity. They highlight the universal parental aspiration for the happiness and contentment of their children. These names serve as a reminder of the profound impact of generational progression through new birth. The above-given names kindle the warmth in our hearts, honoring the timeless bond between newborns and the joy they bring.

Infographic: Chirpy Baby Boy Names Meaning Delight

Baby names meaning delight tend to summarize societies' shared happiness and cultural heritage worldwide. These delightful names are a testament to the hope accompanying the birth of a new generation. The following infographic presents a well-curated list of names symbolizing delight. Go ahead and pick your best-loved name for your delightful little prince.

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. How can a name that means ‘delight’ reflect a parent's hopes and dreams for their child's future?

Names meaning 'delight' can express a parent's aspirations for their child's future differently. They picture their child making a difference in the lives of those around them, bringing joy, and making their interactions and relationships more enjoyable. Lastly, it is a continual reminder of the parent's hopes and dreams for their child to live a happy, meaningful life and benefit the world. Some names that mean delight are Edin, Delila, and Noemi.

2. How might a name that means ‘delight’ impact a child's sense of self-worth and confidence, and how can parents reinforce those positive associations?

Growing up with a name that means 'delight' can contribute to a positive self-perception. The child may internalize the name's meaning and associate it with their qualities and experiences, seeing themselves as someone who brings joy and happiness to others. Parents can use the name affectionately to consistently emphasize its positive meaning and celebrate and encourage their unique qualities by providing a nurturing and supportive environment to reinforce these positive values.


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  1. Judy D. Saltzman; (1998); Sat-Chit-Ananda in Greek and Indian Thought.
Shikha is a writer-turned-editor at MomJunction, with over seven years of experience in the field of content. Having done a certification in Relationship Coaching, her core interest lies in writing articles that guide couples through their courtship to marriage and parenthood.

Read full bio of Shikha Thakur