199 Baby Boy Names That Mean Desire

Selecting the perfect name for your son is a joyful task filled with meaning and anticipation. And Parents-to-be may often be drawn to baby boy names meaning desire. These names hold a unique significance. They symbolize a strong longing for a purposeful and determined life. Names conveying the idea of desire encompass parents' profound aspirations for their children. Such names can inspire and constantly remind them of their interests and ambitions throughout their lifetime. In a world that values having dreams and putting in the effort, names that express desire emphasize the importance of pursuing our aspirations. Across various cultures and spanning a significant duration of time, names associated with desire have consistently held a special allure. These names, ranging from classic to contemporary, originate from diverse languages, narratives, and customs. When parents select a name that embodies wanting, they offer their child a precious gift, a name that encapsulates the concept of striving for excellence, regardless of the circumstances. These names evoke a distinct form of support, one that is linked to yearning. Whether it pertains to a desire for learning, excelling, or seeking love and companionship, these names embody universal human desires. They underscore the notion that nurturing dreams is commendable and that every child can forge a fulfilling life. Moreover, names denote a sense of desire to establish a connection between the past, present, and future. As parents pass down these names to their offspring, they forge links across different epochs, transmitting hope and ambition. These names become an integral part of the family narrative, serving as a reminder that the pursuit of a fulfilling life has been an enduring human endeavor. Here we present an assortment of delightful and captivating baby names in this meticulously curated compilation of remarkable names that strives to assist you in choosing the perfect name for your precious newborn. These exceptional names are bound to astonish you.

Name Gender Meaning
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Desire; Hope; Warrior
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Desire; Wish; Has a generous and helpful nature
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Love; Desire; Wish; Long; Crave
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Baby Boy Sign Boy People with this name have a deep inner need for quiet, and a desire to understand and analyze the world they live in, and to learn the deeper truths
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Desired purpose; Intention
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Baby Boy Sign Boy One with inner desire and spiritual matters
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Desire for brilliance and leadership
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Baby Boy Sign Boy One who has a desire or longing
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Name of a Prophet; has deep inner desires
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Baby Boy Sign Boy One with few desires; Close to God; One of the many names of Lord Shiva
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Desire, prosperity, bright
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Pleasure; Delight; Source of enjoyment; Desire
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Baby Boy Sign Boy A wish or a desire
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Excellent or the desire to excel
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Desire; Longing
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Desire, longing
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Desired; Wished for
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Baby Boy Sign Boy One who is filled with desires; mountain
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Desire, chosen one
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Desires peace; Peaceful friend
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Desire; Hope; Promising; Faith; Wish; Being Optimistic
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Desired; Beloved
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Desire; Wish; Crave; Longing; Want
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Baby Boy Sign Boy One with many emotional desires
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Enduring; Humble and have an inner desire
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Desire for knowledge and wisdom
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Baby Boy Sign Boy A desired man
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Desired; Wished; Longed; Craved
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Praised and desired; Gift of god
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Baby Boy Sign Boy One who has Been Invited; Wanted; Something desired; wish
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Desire; Wish; Crave; Longing
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Desire; Awesome; Crave; Want; Wish
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Wish; Desire; Want; Crave
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Wanted; Desired; To wish; Crave
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Desired; Wished; Wanted; Craved
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Ones Desire; Wishes; Wants; Cravings
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Wanted; Desired; Wished; Craved
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Lord of Desires; Another Name for Kama; God of wishes
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Means Strong Desire; Wishes; Longing
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Long Cherished Desire; Idea; Resolution
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Powerful and Complete; Desire; Name of Goddess Lakshmi
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Baby Boy Sign Boy One without Money and worldly desires
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Very high or big desires; One with a lot of wishes and cravings
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Wanted; desired; needed; wish; like; crave; long
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Desire; Wish; Crave; Longing; Want
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Desired; Expected; Wished; Longed; Craved
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Baby Boy Sign Boy One who fulfills wishes, desires, wants and needs instantly
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Baby Boy Sign Boy The Lust; Yearn; Desire; Wish
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Baby Boy Sign Boy One who has Fulfilled his Desires; accomplished wishes
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Fulfiller of Desires; One who makes wishes come true
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Baby Boy Sign Boy German- Desire; A variant name is Bitten
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Baby Boy Sign Boy German - Desire; A variant name is Bittan
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Baby Boy Sign Boy A Burning Fire that desires love and yet is always alone; one who always wishes for love
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Baby Boy Sign Boy The Will of the Gods; God's desire; God's Wish
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Wanted; Desired; Wished; Craved; Longed; Aspired; Yearned
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Desired; Wished; Long; Crave; One who is longed and wanted
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Baby Boy Sign Boy With no Desire; Without any wishes; One who does not have any cravings
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Desired; Wished for; Longing; Craving
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Baby Boy Sign Boy A Forest of Wishes, desires, longings and cravings; Imaginations and thoughts
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Baby Boy Sign Boy The God of Desire or Love; Lord of wishes and longings
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Baby Boy Sign Boy The God of Desire or Love; Lord of wishes and longings
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Baby Boy Sign Boy King of lovemaking; King of desires, wishes, and longings
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Unaffected by Desires, Wishes, longings and cravings
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Changing form at will; One who is like everyone desires and wishes
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Baby Boy Sign Boy God of desires, wishes, longings, and cravings
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Baby Boy Sign Boy God of desires, wishes, longings, and cravings
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Baby Boy Sign Boy One with full control over passion, his wishes and desires; God of desires and wishes
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Baby Boy Sign Boy One with full control over passion, his wishes and desires; God of desires and wishes
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Baby Boy Sign Boy One who has full control over passion, wishes, and desires; God of desires and wishes
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Desired; Wished for; Longing; Craving
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Desired; Wished for; Longing; Craving
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Desired; Wished for; Longing; Craving
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Wish; Desire; Long; Crave
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Success; One who wins or accomplishes his wishes and desires; Victorious
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Wish; Desire; Long; Crave
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Cupid; God of desires and wishes; Angel of Wishes; Cherub of desires
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Desired; Wished for; Longing; Craving
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Cupid; God of desires and wishes; Angel of Wishes; Cherub of desires
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Love; Desire; Feelings; Liking; Finding irresistible; Want
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Love for desires
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Desire; Wish; Long; Crave; Wantings of a mind; Aspiration of Mind
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Aspiration; Wish; Desire
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Baby Boy Sign Boy One who is against desire; Against Wishing and Wants
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Desire; Wish; Broken-hearted; Sad; A variant of Pezhman
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Loving; To love; Beloved; Desired
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Baby Boy Sign Boy A desire that is long cherished; Persistence
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Baby Boy Sign Boy One who is full of desires
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Desire; Wish
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Desire; Wish; One who is capable of being a mediator with a good friendship ability
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Free from Desire; Firm; Steady
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Name of Lord Shiva; One who is free from worldly desires and passions
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Baby Boy Sign Boy In desire of a house that guides one in the right direction
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Baby Boy Sign Boy One whose desire is to please others
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Baby Boy Sign Boy A man of honor; Noble; Desires a lovely stable life
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Baby Boy Sign Boy The person who has no desires
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Baby Boy Sign Boy The one who is filled with desire, pleasure and happiness
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Desire
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Desire; Light
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Handsome one; A desire to learn and lead
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Emotional desires; has bright ideas
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Fun-filled discussions and brainstorming over profound names for newborns is a time-honored societal tradition. The extensive assortment of baby boy names meaning desire, affords parents a unique opportunity to instill their baby's persona with a robust sense of aspiration and determination. Every individual name possesses its distinct cultural and linguistic intricacies, thus amplifying the multifaceted journey of naming across regions. Parents can find impeccable titles aligning with their authentic aspirations for their child's future by looking at the listed compilation.

Infographic: Baby Boy Names That Signify Desire

Choosing a name for your baby is an important decision, and this infographic can help you find the perfect name that represents your hopes and desires for your child. These names have different origins and meanings, but they all share the common theme of desire. Each name has a special significance and can inspire qualities such as passion, ambition, and determination in your child.

delightful baby boy names that mean desire (infographic)

Illustration: Momjunction Design Team

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Why might someone choose a name that means ‘desire’ for their baby boy?

Choosing a name that means desire can reflect the parents' hope and aspiration for their child to have a strong drive, ambition, and perseverance. They may wish for their child to pursue their passions, set goals, and strive for success in various aspects of life. Lastly, it gives the child a name with depth and substance, carrying a significant meaning that can stay with them throughout their life.

2. Can choosing a name that means ‘desire’ create certain expectations or aspirations for a child?

By selecting a name associated with 'desire,' parents may hope their child will exhibit ambitious qualities and be motivated to achieve their goals. They may anticipate that their child will pursue their passions with enthusiasm and dedication, follow their heart's desires to find personal fulfillment, and live a life aligned with their aspirations. Lastly, they may hope their child will approach challenges with resilience and perseverance.

Shikha is a writer-turned-editor at MomJunction, with over seven years of experience in the field of content. Having done a certification in Relationship Coaching, her core interest lies in writing articles that guide couples through their courtship to marriage and parenthood.

Read full bio of Shikha Thakur