13151 Hindu Baby Names With Meanings

Naming a child is challenging, regardless of religion and culture. How about celebrating your baby's birth by picking from our collection of traditional Hindu baby names? Unlike other religions and cultures, names and even the naming ceremony are important in Sanatana Dharma. The priest considers several things, including the name of the ancestors, the stars of the child, and the deities, before zeroing in on the child's name. The search begins right after the birth of the child. The Hindu naming custom, firmly rooted in cultural, spiritual, and astrological importance, is crucial to a person's success. This custom is a symbolic rite to confer favors and influences the infant's future, not just about picking a lovely name. The 'Naamkaran' ceremony, customarily held on the twelfth day following the baby's birth, might vary depending on the community. The baby is officially introduced into society on this critical occasion, attended by family and close friends by whispering the baby's chosen name into their ears (1). Hindu names are designed to invoke blessings and uplifting energy each time they are said. As a result, many Hindu titles are inspired by supernatural beings, holy texts, the natural world, virtues, or other admirable qualities. For instance, names honoring the Hindu pantheon include Ganesha, Lakshmi, Saraswati, and Krishna (2). Given the language's hallowed position in the Hindu tradition, Sanskrit names are frequently used. These names, which carry deep connotations, are meant to uplift and direct the child throughout their existence. Hindu names frequently consist of a first name, a middle name (typically the father's or the family deity's name), and a surname that denotes the person's caste, occupation, or family history. Even though many Hindu parents nowadays look into shorter, easy-to-pronounce names, their spiritual and cultural meaning still plays a significant role in their decisions. The Hindu naming convention represents a lovely fusion of history and contemporary in this emerging trend. If you need clarification about what you could name your baby boy, we are here to help you. Below we present an extensive database of Hindu baby names. From traditional and old school to fashionable, our list has everything you can ask for. Also, check our latest and updated list of Indian baby names.

Name Gender Meaning
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Son of Jack; God is gracious
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Baby Girl Sign Girl Illusion; Magic
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Pursuer; Hunter
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Baby Boy Sign Boy House ruler; Son of Harry
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Unisex Baby Sign Unisex Wise and knowledgeable person; A type of aromatic plant
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Baby Girl Sign Girl Heavenly valley; Elevated place; Mother capital
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Praised
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Baby Boy Sign Boy One who honors God
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Baby Girl Sign Girl Youthful; Soft hair; Sky father; Downy
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Baby Girl Sign Girl Perfect
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Baby Boy Sign Boy One who is awakened and enlightened
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Baby Girl Sign Girl Devoted to Jove; Youthful
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Unisex Baby Sign Unisex Aspiration, imagination, possibility
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Baby Girl Sign Girl Happiness; Great pleasure; Delight; Rejoice; Beautiful jewel
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Pledge of peace
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Royal ruler
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Baby Girl Sign Girl Mother
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Baby Boy Sign Boy God is gracious
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Ancient
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Baby Girl Sign Girl Pretty
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Enclosed valley; One from the crooked valley
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Watchful; Seeing
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Unisex Baby Sign Unisex Independent or free-spirited
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Baby Girl Sign Girl Beloved; Behold; Admirable; Abundance
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Supplanter
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Peaceful melody; A calm noise
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Baby Girl Sign Girl Knowing; Wise ruler; High hill
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Baby Girl Sign Girl Gift; Precious stone
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Baby Girl Sign Girl Meadow; Woodland; Clearing
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Ruler of the household
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Place of hawks
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Victorious, leader, intelligent
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Unisex Baby Sign Unisex Cheerful; Full of spirit
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Noble; Illustrious; Honorable
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Baby Girl Sign Girl Wise protector
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Dawn
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Baby Girl Sign Girl Grace
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Baby Girl Sign Girl Young
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Baby Girl Sign Girl Moon; The adversary of desire; Gambling
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Strong, noble warrior
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Unisex Baby Sign Unisex Messenger; Angel
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Lord; Master
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Baby Girl Sign Girl Knowledge; Wisdom
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Baby Boy Sign Boy A supplanter
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Jehovah lives and exists
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Hare's meadow
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Unisex Baby Sign Unisex Pleasant; Delightful; Beautiful
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Watchful; Seeing
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Baby Girl Sign Girl Derived from a country originating in river Indus
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Grain dealer
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Baby Girl Sign Girl Keeper of the keys; Rare beauty; Social celebration; Slender
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Baby Girl Sign Girl Lord; Rejoice
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Baby Girl Sign Girl Exalted; Sublime
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Baby Girl Sign Girl Wave; Ocean; Another name of Goddess Lakshmi
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Baby Girl Sign Girl Planting; To sow; Brightness; Light
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Unisex Baby Sign Unisex Life; Found; Beloved
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Baby Girl Sign Girl Noble; Respectable; Another name of Goddess Parvati
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Wolf
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Intelligent; Learned
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Gift from God
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Unisex Baby Sign Unisex Heavenly; The heavens
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Son of Harry
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Baby Girl Sign Girl May God protect; Supplanter
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Unisex Baby Sign Unisex Independent and adventurous
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Unisex Baby Sign Unisex Seren; Tranquil
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Baby Boy Sign Boy The god of silence
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Baby Girl Sign Girl A woman who is a supplanter
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Baby Girl Sign Girl God is gracious
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Baby Boy Sign Boy A present from god
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Baby Boy Sign Boy A firm and faithful individual; Polar star
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Baby Girl Sign Girl Singer
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Unisex Baby Sign Unisex Rule; Ruler
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Baby Girl Sign Girl God's gracious gift
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Unisex Baby Sign Unisex Strong, courageous, determined
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Baby Girl Sign Girl Star
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Baby Girl Sign Girl The first power; The beginning; Another name of goddess Durga
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Angel or messenger of God; Chief; One of many names of Lord Krishna
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Unisex Baby Sign Unisex Fearless
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Baby Girl Sign Girl The golden meadow
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Baby Girl Sign Girl Shinning upon men
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Baby Girl Sign Girl Wisdom
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Baby Girl Sign Girl Hebrew - People of God; Latin - Beloved; Sanskrit - Delight
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Baby Girl Sign Girl Noble
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Baby Boy Sign Boy One who can be compared to the first ray of sun in the morning
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Baby Girl Sign Girl Born free; A noble one
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Baby Girl Sign Girl Beloved; Loving; God's gift; Dear
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Bright; Shining; Radiant and brilliant light
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Unisex Baby Sign Unisex Light of God
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Baby Girl Sign Girl Alluring; Attractive; Charming; Delightful; Clear; Light
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Baby Girl Sign Girl Pearl; Radiant; Brilliant
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Strong and courageous
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Unisex Baby Sign Unisex Life; knowledge; wisdom
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Unisex Baby Sign Unisex Of the day
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Baby Girl Sign Girl Desire, life, beauty
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Baby Girl Sign Girl The one who is kind and warmly courteous
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Unisex Baby Sign Unisex Man; Warrior; Clearing
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Baby Girl Sign Girl Zinn's flower
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Baby Boy Sign Boy A pleasant and cold place full of snow; Name of a state
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Baby Girl Sign Girl Pure; Keepers of the keys
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Unisex Baby Sign Unisex Beauty of the night; Dew; Hoarfrost
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Hindu baby naming involves more than just selecting a name that sounds nice; it is an activity intricately tied to cultural, spiritual, and astrological significance. The naming ceremony, known as the Naamkaran ritual, is steeped in tradition and intended to bring blessings and good vibes. Hindu naming customs display a lovely fusion of history and modernity. The profound meanings these names hold continue to guide and encourage children throughout their lives.

Infographic: Exuberant Hindu Baby Names With Meanings

Hindu baby names are more than just labels; they are rooted in rich traditions and have spiritual meaning. The profound importance of the titles, which are frequently derived from celestial beings, sacred writings, and nature, lead and encourage the child throughout their life. We have compiled some of the most notable Hindu baby names in the following infographic, making it easier for you to choose one.

vibrant hindu names for your baby (infographic)

Illustration: Momjunction Design Team

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the rarest Hindu name?

Among the uncommon Hindu names for boys, Aaban signifies 'name of the angel,' Devesh means 'Shiva,' Fakir implies 'a saintly person,' and Gangesh signifies 'Lord of the Ganges river.' For girls, rare names include Arshia meaning 'heavenly divine,' Dharmini meaning 'religious,' Gurinder meaning 'lord,' and Ishwin meaning 'one who praises the Lord.' These names stand out for their distinctive meanings and are rarely used by the Hindu community.

2. What are some of the Hindu girl names for prosperity?

Hindu girl names linked to prosperity and abundance include Lakshmi, named after the goddess of wealth, Aishwarya, meaning ‘wealth’ or ‘prosperity,’ Radha denoting ‘wealth’ or ‘success’ being the love of Lord Krishna and Samruddhi, signifying ‘prosperity’ or ‘abundance’ in Sanskrit.

3. What are some Hindu names that mean ‘lucky’?

In Hindu culture, the concept of luck or auspiciousness is often associated with various deities and qualities. While there is no definitive answer to what the luckiest name for a Hindu boy would be, here are a few names that are believed to bring good fortune. Named after the younger brother of Lord Rama, Lakshman is considered an embodiment of devotion and loyalty. Bhagesh, meaning ‘Lord of Richness,’ and Bhagyam, signifying ‘fortunate’ are Hindu boy names associated with blessings and prosperity.

4. What are some of the traditional naming conventions for Hindu babies?

Hindus often consult astrologers to determine an auspicious time and date for naming their baby. Many Hindu families follow a tradition of passing down family or ancestral names from one generation to the next. This helps maintain a sense of lineage and continuity within the family (3). Hindu names often have deep religious or spiritual meanings. They may be inspired by gods, goddesses, divine attributes, or religious scriptures like the Vedas, Mahabharata, or Ramayana.

5. How have Hindu baby names evolved over time?

In India, the naming tradition has been followed for a significant period. Factors like religion, culture, and family background play a vital role in naming a child. In the past, Indian names were often long yet powerful, while today's names tend to be short and distinct but lack strong religious significance. Modern names are easier to pronounce but may be perceived as having less value compared to their historical counterparts, which, although meaningful, were often challenging to pronounce and felt outdated.


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  1. Namakaran (Naming ceremony).
  2. What do Hindu names mean?
  3. Understanding Indian Names in Naming Conventions Discovery and Standardisation.
Shikha is a writer-turned-editor at MomJunction, with over seven years of experience in the field of content. Having done a certification in Relationship Coaching, her core interest lies in writing articles that guide couples through their courtship to marriage and parenthood.

Read full bio of Shikha Thakur