53 Best Date Ideas For Teens To Spend Happy Time Together

Dating in your teenage years is quite an experience. You get too excited and nervous about meeting someone new and spending time together. If you plan to go on a date with somebody, we have compiled some cool and free dating ideas for teens.

Teens seldom get an opportunity to go out with someone they like due to family restraints and strict school schedules. Nevertheless, there are many dating ideas that you can actually try out with the person you are attracted to. Read on to find out.

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53 Teen Date Ideas

First Date Ideas For Teenagers

Are you going on a first date? You must be nervous. But don’t let it show. Instead, show your crush how special you can make a date.

1. Try a coffee date

A simple coffee date is ideal for a first date

Image: Shutterstock

A simple coffee date is ideal for a first date as it is cool and comfortable. And when you run out of topics to talk on, you can nibble on your food or sip your coffee.

2. Have fun at a gaming arcade

Pick a gaming arcade where you can have a fun time with your date without talking too much.

3. Game night at your place

If you feel uncomfortable about being spotted on a date, then plan a game date at home. Play your favorite games with your perfect date.

protip_icon Did you know?
A game night allows you a more personal insight into your date’s preferences and personality. For example, you get to understand their favorite game, memories associated with it, game time snack or beverage, aspects of their character (such as competitiveness, emotionality, conscientiousness, etc.), and their ideal self based on their gamer persona.

4. Check out the museum

This one is strictly for a date who really enjoys observing different types of artifacts. Go together to a museum of their interest.

5. Take them to a concert

One of the easiest ways to ask someone out on a date is by offering them tickets to the concert of their favorite artist.

6. Go to an aquarium

Observing fascinating fishes in a dark space with your date can be interesting. Try it.

7. Enjoy at the amusement park

If you and your date are thrill-seekers, then the amusement park is perfect for your first date. When tired of rides, go for games at the park.

8. Try fishing together

This is one of the most fun activities for teens of various ages. Get two comfy chairs and spend hours talking to each other while also trying to catch fish in a pond or river nearby.

9. Explore a new place together

Visiting a new place and trying a new cuisine for a first date will make it memorable for both you and your crush.

10. Go for a drive-in movie

Date Ideas For Teens

Image: Shutterstock

If you own a license, then take your date to a drive-in movie. Ensure the movie is likable and not sad or scary.

11. Try kart racing

Ignite your competitive spirit by challenging your date to kart racing. Find a great place for go-karting and have a memorable experience.

12. Play with water guns

Playing with water guns is fun, exciting, and highly enjoyable.

Fun Date Ideas for Teenage Couple

First dates are special and should be memorable. But amidst your butterflies and jitters, you may end up with the same old date plans.

Talking about a similar situation, Kristen Duke, mother of two, shares about her teenage son’s date nights, “I’ve suggested various activities they could do, but they tend to do the same movie night. Even though they don’t end up really watching a movie, but talking the entire time (i).”

Although talking is a good way to connect and get to know each other, you should ensure your crush agrees to go out with you and make them a date offer they cannot refuse. Let’s have a look at fun ideas you can choose from.

13. Visit the mall

Clichéd? Yes! Boring? No! Hang out at the mall playing games, eating junk food, and doing other fun things.

14. Go bowling

Bowling is one of the classic date ideas because it is tried, tested, and approved by former teens.

15. Try ice-skating

The ice rink is where you are most likely to hold hands with a date. Either wait for them to slip or act wobbly on your skates.

16. Go kayaking

Kayaking is a lot of fun and something different for a date. Remember to eat well because kayaking is tiring.

17. Go for indoor rock climbing

If the idea of getting dirty in front of your date scares you, try indoor rock climbing, an adventure with no dirt involved.

18. Enjoy a bike ride

Check out a neighborhood together on your bikes. Do not forget to carry a water bottle with you.

19. Visit a zoo

Going to a zoo with a date is budget-friendly and fun.

20. Plant a tree

Create a symbol of your love by planting a tree together.

21. Rent a motor scooter

Rent a motor scooter for a fun date

Image: IStock

Set out on a fun tour by renting a motor scooter and exploring your neighborhood together.

22. Visit the beach

If you live near a beach, then you have one of the best places to go on a date. Go on a beach trip and enjoy nature.

23. Enjoy a bonfire

If you have a backyard, then arrange for a bonfire during a cold winter evening. Do not forget to carry some cozy blankets.

Cute Date Ideas For Teens

Is your date quite adorable? Then here are some cute date ideas that you may try.

24. Have an ice-Cream date

An ice-cream date is for those who are too shy to visit a restaurant together.

25. Dress up in a thrift store

Visit a thrift store and play dress up with your date. Have fun creating new looks for each other.

26. Click couple pictures

Look up couples pose online. Imitate the poses with your date and create an album of memories.

protip_icon Quick tip
Create a thematic picture book out of each other’s bucket lists, collecting pictures and simultaneously getting to know each other’s passions and aspirations.

27. Sing your hearts out at a karaoke night

It’s okay if you mess up the lyrics. Just have a fun time with your date.

28. Make a time capsule

Save your favorite items, funny notes, and pictures by creating a time capsule together.

29. Go stargazing

When the skies are clear, go to a good spot where you and your date can spend a cozy night together observing the stars.

30. Have a spa date

A homemade face pack, some cucumbers, a soothing tea, and nice relaxing music is what you need for this calm and peaceful date.

31. Cook for your date

Cook a new cuisine for your date. Even if you mess up, at least you will have a good laugh together. You can also try out a cooking class.

32. Try Couples’ Yoga

Couple yoga, date ideas for teens

Image: IStock

Check out some YouTube videos of couples doing yoga and try some easy poses. Try this at your own risk.

33. Check out a photo booth

Clicking pictures at a photo booth is a must. Don’t miss out on this experience.

34. Have an insta photoshoot

Look for pretty spots in your neighborhood and click pictures of each other to fill your Instagram profile.

35. Plan a dessert date

For a date with a sweet tooth, a dessert date with a variety of desserts is the perfect way to spend time.

36. Checkout a botanical garden

Spend some time in beautiful nature by observing flowers and trees at a botanical garden.

Budget Date Ideas For Teens

Don’t worry if you are low on money. You can still plan a classy date on a tight budget.

37. Watch the sunrise/sunset

Pick a spot from where you see the sunrise or sunset the best and plan your next date there.

38. Go skating in a park

Go skating in a park because visiting the park costs nothing.

39. Create a music video

Create a music video with your date. You only need your camera or phone and a music player.

40. Go for a hike

If your date is adventurous and loves the outdoors, go hiking with them.

41. Check out a fair

Go to a local fair where the Ferris wheel can give your date and you a good adrenaline rush.

42. Play video games

Invite your date for a fun-filled time playing video games. Tease and challenge them to a gaming session.

43. Try a diy tutorial together

Pick a DIY video on YouTube and create something interesting out of minimal items.

44. Create a masterpiece together

Try out a hobby such as painting or take a pottery class together. Trying something for the first time will create fun memories.

45. Binge-watch a show

Binge watch your favorite series together.

Image: Shutterstock

Binge-watch your favorite series together. The most you will spend on is popcorn or pizza and soft drinks. This also doubles up as a great movie night idea.

46. Go on a picnic

Look for a good spot, pack some good meals from home, and enjoy a nice picnic with your date.

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Keeping an open mind and a positive attitude, along with a list of good topics or jokes to crack, can help move the conversation on a picnic date. Like Gretchen Rubin says, “You bring your own weather to a picnic.”

47. Bake something sweet

If you have baking accessories and ingredients ready, then invite your date for a fun-filled baking session at home.

48. Read a book together

For bookworms, reading a romance novel on the couch by the fireplace is the perfect love date.

49. Visit an animal shelter

Enjoy some love time with animals and your date at an animal shelter.

50. Solve a puzzle

Solving a puzzle is time-consuming but a fun way to spend some quality time with your date.

51. Visit a trampoline park

If you love outdoor adventures, a trampoline park visit can be an excellent way to have fun with your special one. These activities are appropriate for all ages and will warrant unlimited laughter and fun.

52. Go to a swimming pool

Who doesn’t like to chill at a pool on a warm summer day? So, take your date to a swimming pool and unwind with enthralling games. Also, don’t forget to take drinks and snacks along.

53. Outdoor yoga

If you and your partner enjoy yoga, a yoga date can be a fulfilling and relaxing experience. Select a beautiful and serene spot such as a park, hilltop, or beach and stretch your body while soaking the sun.

Hoping to make her son’s dating plans more interesting, Duke suggested a puzzle in the park game. She adds, “I suggested this for a date for my son because he loves puzzles, and he actually enjoyed it…Something to do while chatting.”

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How can I plan a romantic and age-appropriate date?

Consider activities that are appropriate for your age group and interests. Since budget can be an issue for teens, you can plan a picnic in a park or on the beach, take a walk or hike together, or go to a concert for the date.

2. How can I make a date special without spending a lot of money?

Playing video games, watching date night movies at home, or going to an educational event are some budget-friendly date ideas for teens. You may also pick places accessible for a low fee or have free entries on certain days.

3. What are some good date ideas for teens into sports or fitness?

Planning a date involving playing a sport or hiking can be an excellent idea. You may also go for a walk or run together for fixed days each week. If your date is okay with it, you may pool money and buy a couple’s membership to a sports gym and get to see each other daily.

You do not need to spend lots of money to have a memorable date. Create memories with some funny talks and nervous goof-ups. Do not plan too much because if things go differently, you may feel stressed about it. Enjoy the moment and go with the flow. You can implement the various ideas mentioned in the post and make your date romantic and fun for both of you. Also, don’t push your date too much and make sure the guy/girl is having fun and also comfortable in your company.

Infographic: Budget Date Ideas For Teens

If you think your first date as a teenager needs to be all things lavish and pricey, think again. Because it is the quality time and little close-knit moments with your date that matter more than buying them an expensive gift or meal. Scroll through this infographic for some economical yet exciting ideas to make your first date cherishable.

plan an unforgettable date reasonable budget (infographic)

Illustration: Momjunction Design Team

Key Pointers

  • A coffee date, visiting a gaming arcade, or going to a concert on a first date can be enjoyable and inexpensive for teens.
  • Teenage couples can go for ice skating, kayaking, or a bike ride to spend quality time together.
  • Photo shooting, cooking together, watching sunrise or sunset, and going on hikes are some more budget-friendly date ideas for teens.

Illustration: Best Date Ideas For Teens To Spend Happy Time Together

Date Ideas For Teens_illustration

Image: Stable Diffusion/MomJunction Design Team

Looking for fun date ideas for teens? Want some ideas for an amazing night out with a special someone? Check out this video for some great tips on how to make your date night special!

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