1231 Baby Boy Names That Start With Letter F


Did you know, the letter F is an ancestor of U, V, and W? It even takes on the sound of ‘V’ in a few words. So if the letter itself is so fascinating, don’t you think a name starting would be even more charming?
The letter F is equivalent to number six, which suggests love in all its forms. F people are compassionate, warm hearted, and extremely lovable. They have a high degree of understanding and a wish to keep harmony and balance in every situation. They even have a great sense of humor and love bringing people together with their entertainment and other artistic endeavors. Numerology also states that people with names starting with F are responsible, easy to get along with, and selfless to the point of being self-sacrificing.
However, this letter brings with itself a few insecurities. So you may have to remind your child regularly of his importance as he grows up. Also, the empathic nature of F people makes it difficult for them not to stick their nose in others' matters. This isn’t generally liked by everyone.
From Faadhil to Fshd and beyond, take a look at MomJunction's baby boy names starting with the letter F below.

Name Gender Meaning
heart image Furman Baby Boy Sign Boy A driver of a horse-cart for delivery
heart image Furnald Baby Boy Sign Boy The mountain covered by leaves.
heart image Furoogh Baby Boy Sign Boy Cheerful; Happy; Lustre
heart image Furozh Baby Boy Sign Boy A glowing radiance
heart image Furqaan Baby Boy Sign Boy Confirmation; Indication
heart image Furqan Baby Boy Sign Boy Immune; Resistant
heart image Furqau Baby Boy Sign Boy Distance between fact and fiction
heart image Fursat Unisex Baby Sign Unisex Perfect time; Exact time
heart image Furud Baby Boy Sign Boy Individuality; Exclusivity
heart image Furughuddin Baby Boy Sign Boy Illumination of religion
heart image Fury Unisex Baby Sign Unisex Intense or violent anger
heart image Futaih Baby Boy Sign Boy Foundation; Creation
heart image Futtehkhan Baby Boy Sign Boy Triumph of a ruler; Winner king
heart image Futuh Baby Boy Sign Boy Triumph; Overcome
heart image Futuhat Baby Boy Sign Boy Win; Success
heart image Future Unisex Baby Sign Unisex Potential, promise, upcoming
heart image Fuwaad Baby Boy Sign Boy Emotion; Soul
heart image Fuwad Baby Boy Sign Boy Attention; Feeling; Core
heart image Fuyum Baby Boy Sign Boy Firm and powerful man
heart image Fuyuzat Baby Boy Sign Boy Kindness; Brightness
heart image Fuzail Baby Boy Sign Boy One who is talented and skilful
heart image Fyfe Unisex Baby Sign Unisex Derived from Fife
heart image Fygla Baby Boy Sign Boy A locational name for enclosure
heart image Fylmer Baby Boy Sign Boy Well-known person or celebrity
heart image Fyn Unisex Baby Sign Unisex Light-skinned; Fair
heart image Fynbar Baby Boy Sign Boy One with pale or grey-colored hair
heart image Fynley Unisex Baby Sign Unisex White warrior
heart image Fynn Baby Boy Sign Boy River Ofinn; Finn; White, Fair; A variant of name Finn
heart image Fyodor Baby Boy Sign Boy Skills from the most holy high God
heart image Fyre Unisex Baby Sign Unisex Varian transcription of Fire; Fiery
heart image Fytch Baby Boy Sign Boy The expensive white fur of ermine
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Infographic: Free-spirited Baby Boy Names Starting With F

A name is a stepping stone toward crafting your son's identity; it will be with him through every adventure and milestone. Baby boy names starting with F are rather charming. Like stars in a constellation, these names shine brightly with individuality and character. Dive into our captivating collection of names beginning with the letter F in our infographic below.

fiery baby boy names starting with the letter f (infographic)

Illustration: Momjunction Design Team

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are some of the popular boy names starting with F?

Some of the top names according to the US Social Security Administration lists for the year 2022 (1) include Finn meaning ‘blessed,’ Finley meaning ‘warrior,’ Francisco meaning ‘Frenchman,’ Fernando meaning ‘peace,’ Franklin meaning ‘Freeman,’ Fabian meaning ‘bean,’ and Frederick meaning ‘peaceful ruler.’

2. What are some biblical baby boy names that start with the letter F?

A few Biblical boy names starting from F include Felix meaning ‘happy’ or ‘lucky,’ Festus meaning ‘festive’ or ‘joyful,’ and Fortunatus, meaning ‘fortunate’ or ‘prosperous.’

3. What are some baby boy names that start with the letter F and have a nature-inspired meaning?

Forrest meaning ‘forest,’ Falcon, meaning ‘bird of prey,’ Fielding, meaning ‘from the open country,’ Fischer meaning ‘fisherman,’ and Finch meaning ‘bird,’ are a few nature-inspired names that start with the letter F.

4. What are some modern baby boy names that start with the letter F?

A few modern baby names that start with the letter F include Finley meaning ‘fair warrior,’ Finn meaning ‘fair,’ Finnegan meaning ‘fair-haired,’ Fallon meaning ‘governor’ or ‘supremacy,’ and Flynn, meaning ‘of reddish complexion.’

5. What are some baby boy names that start with the letter F and have a musical connection?

You may consider the following examples when picking out musically connected baby boy names starting from the letter F: Frank meaning ‘Frenchman,’ associated with the American singer and actor Frank Sinatra; Freddie meaning ‘peaceful ruler,’ associated with the British singer, songwriter, and lead vocalist Freddie Mercury; Floyd meaning ‘grey haired,’ associated with the English rock band Pink Floyd; Fender meaning ‘defender,’ associated with the American guitar manufacturing company; Fernando meaning ‘brave journey,’ associated with the English song by the Swedish musical group ABBA; and Fife signifying the musical instrument which is described as a small, high-pitched, transverse aerophone.


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  1. Popular Names in 2022;
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