179 Baby Boy Names That Mean Eternal

Eternal means 'everlasting,' something that has no beginning or end. Baby boy names meaning eternal mirror this meaning and represent associated connotations. Many parents pick names that mean eternal to express their belief that their child's impact, legacy, and characteristics will transcend time. It symbolizes a parent's desire for their little master to have everlasting joy and prosperity. These names also often signify a belief in the eternal essence of divinity, spirituality, and the human soul. The concept of eternity is deeply connected to the most important doctrines of Christianity. God is often portrayed as eternal, operating beyond the boundaries of time and space. Choosing an eternal name might represent the family's connection to God's infinite love and the hope for the child's soul to have a lifelong relationship with divine power (1). In Islam, Allah's everlasting existence that awaits believers in the afterlife is emphasized. According to Islam, the Prophet said humans weren't made to disappear. They were made for a life that never ends. It is why followers of the Islamic faith believe that humans or souls move from one world to another (2). In ancient civilizations, names were often connected to cosmic and heavenly energies. The concept behind names with an eternal connotation was to link the bearer to the cycles of nature, the universe, and the afterlife. These names were believed to offer blessings and protection, making sure the baby would have a lasting effect on their community and live on their legacy. Aeric, embodying the essence of an 'eternal ruler,' Baqi, signifying 'eternal' in Arabic, and Kumbla, resonating with the meaning of 'eternal god,' are a few names that demonstrate the faith that people across cultures, religions, and languages have in 'eternity.' If you want to explore more names that mean, symbolize, or represent permanence, look at the list below. It has many options from diverse origins that are unique and meaningful.

Name Gender Meaning
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Eternal ruler
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Eternal
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Eternal; Forever
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Immortal; Eternal; Indestructible
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Eternal king's son.
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Baby Boy Sign Boy One who is an eternal ruler
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Eternal; Enduring; Strong
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Infinite; One with no end; Immortal; Eternal
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Everlasting king's son; an eternal and majestic prince
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Immortal being; Blessed with eternal life; Grace and gracious
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Always, Eternal; Immortal
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Serves the eternal; Never-ending or everlasting
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Baby Boy Sign Boy A new person who is eternally fresh
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Baby Boy Sign Boy One who is an eternal ruler
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Baby Boy Sign Boy The one who is eternal, everlasting or unchanged
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Eternal light; Immortal light; A source of light forever
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Eternal king's son
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Baby Boy Sign Boy God is eternal
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Eternal; Immortal
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Eternal, honored, philosopher
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Endless; Infinite; Eternal; Forever; Immortal
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Someone who is everlasting; Eternal
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Island ruler; Eternal ruler
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Eternal or immortal
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Living Forever; Immortal; Eternal; A variant of Javed
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Baby Boy Sign Boy The eternal one
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Baby Boy Sign Boy The fresh butter; One who is eternally new
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Eternal
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Eternal; Immortal; A person of enduring Fame
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Eternal; Immortal; A person of enduring Fame
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Unending; Never Lapsing; Eternal; without beginning or end
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Invincible Light; Eternal Flame; One which cannot be put off; God's Light
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Baby Boy Sign Boy God's immortal warrior; Eternal fighter; Protector of God
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Baby Boy Sign Boy God's Lamp; Eternal Lamp; Ever Glowing lamp of God
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Baby Boy Sign Boy The Eternal Light; God's Light ; Ever Glowing light of God
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Baby Boy Sign Boy One who praises the timeless and omnipotent powers of God through his songs; Eternal praises of God
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Eternally pure; Sinless; Unblemished; Flawless
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Baby Boy Sign Boy One Dwelling in the Eternal Realm
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Love of God; One who loves God; Eternal love for God
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Of eternal beauty; Unblemished beauty
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Baby Boy Sign Boy One who remembers God forever; Eternal thoughts about God
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Forever in Peace and Delight; Eternally Happy and Cheerful
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Eternal Fame; A flame that can never be blown off; Ever Glowing Light; God's Lamp
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Immortal; Imperishable; Indestructible; Someone who will be there forever; God; Eternal
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Ever Eternal Lord; Immortal God
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Eternal flame; A flame that can never die
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Eternal; Immortal; Imperishable; Everlasting; One who has no end
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Baby Boy Sign Boy One who Radiates the Lord's Light; Eternal Flame; Everlasting Light; Bright
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Infinite; One with no end; Immortal; Eternal
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Victor of infinity; One who is eternal and immortal; One of the names of Lord Vishnu
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Baby Boy Sign Boy One who is eternal and immortal; One of the names of Lord Vishnu
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Baby Boy Sign Boy One who is eternal and immortal; One of the names of Lord Vishnu
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Baby Boy Sign Boy God's Light; Eternal Lamp of God; Bright source of light that has no end
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Infinite brave; Eternal warrior; One whose braveness has no end
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Of Immeasurable Divinity; Eternal Devotion; One whose devotion has no end
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Baby Boy Sign Boy One who is eternal and immortal; One of the names of Lord Ram
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Endless; Infinite; Eternal; Forever; Immortal
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Eternal God; Immortal God; One of the names of Lord Ram
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Light which never extinguishes; Eternal light; Ever glowing light
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Undying; Eternal Spirit; One who never gives up
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Eternal; Everlasting; Immortal; Elixir
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Eternal; Everlasting; Immortal; Never Ending
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Divine Light; Eternal Lamp; God's Light
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Eternally Happy; Blessed with Joy and Delight for ever in life
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Immortal; Eternal; Lives for Forever; Never Ending
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Immortal; Eternal; Lives for Forever; Never Ending
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Son of Dronacharya; Immortal; Eternal; Lives forever
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Son of Dronacharya; Immortal; Eternal; Lives forever
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Son of Dronacharya; Immortal; Eternal; Lives forever
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Immortal; Eternal life
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Endless; Boundless; Limitless; Eternal; Forever; Immortal
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Endless; Boundless; Limitless; Eternal; Forever; Immortal
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Never Ending; Eternal; Infinite; Immortal
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Forever; Eternal; Never Ending; Infinite; Immortal
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Eternal lamp; Ever glowing light
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Long Life Prince; Eternal; Immortal; One who has no end
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Everlasting; Eternal; Immortal; Without an end
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Long-lived; Immortal; Eternal being; Everlasting; One who has no end
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Baby Boy Sign Boy One of many names of Lord Vishnu; Immortal; Eternal; Everlasting
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Long life; Immortal; Eternal being; Everlasting; One who has no end
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Eternal Part of God; Aura of God; Divine Light of God
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Certain; Eternal; Forever; One without end; Infinite
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Eternal happiness; Eternal joy; Everlasting delight
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Eternal happiness; Eternal joy; Everlasting delight
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Long lived; Blessed with long life; Eternal life
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Worshipper of Eternal Light; One who meditates on the divine light
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Living forever; Eternal; Immortal
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Long Lived; Eternal
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Long Lived; Eternal
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Immortal; Long-lived; Eternal; One who can live forever
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Of whom death is afraid; Long Lived; Immortal; Eternal; Forever
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Beyond time limitations; One who has won time; Immortal; Eternal
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Eternal; Implies Eternity; Immortal
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Baby Boy Sign Boy The Love Stands Forever in the World; Eternal Love
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Immortal; Eternal; Forever; Long lived
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Immortal; Eternal; Forever; Long lived
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Lord of Youth; Immortal Lord; Eternal God
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Baby Boy Sign Boy An object that gives light; An eternal source of light; A name referring to the Sun
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Baby Boy Sign Boy Slave of the everlasting or eternal
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Baby Boy Sign Boy A devoted follower who supports everlasting and eternal one
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Giving a meaningful name to the child is an act of love and intention. Parents put time and consideration into choosing a name that expresses their deepest sentiments and dreams for their son. Baby boy names meaning eternal offer several choices parents can consider based on their beliefs, faiths, and aspirations. These names come from diverse origins and languages, which add to their beauty and versatility. So pick a name from the list above and give your child a priceless gift that will accompany them throughout their life, adorning their individuality.

Infographic: Enchanting Baby Names That Mean Eternal

Parents who opt for a name meaning ‘eternal’ hold hopes and dreams for their child's longevity and happiness. This choice may stem from personal preference or a belief in its positive influence on the child's character. Our infographic presents a curated selection of extraordinary names carrying the essence of ‘eternal’ for your precious little one.

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are some popular baby boy names meaning ‘eternal’ and their origins?

Amaranth, originating from India, Damian with its roots in Greece, Elijah with its Hebrew origin, Phoenix also deriving from Greek, and Uriel, with its Hebrew roots, are among the baby boy names that connect to the concept of eternity. It can be noticed that many cultures have names that mean eternal, signifying an enduring legacy that holds a special place in many hearts.

2. How can a name meaning eternal reflect a family's values and beliefs?

Names that mean eternal have religious and historical connotations. Also, if a family wants to continue the legacy of their ancestors, they can choose a name that means eternal for their children. For example, Alakbir is a name that means eternal fighter or immortal warrior. The name may be chosen by families who have fought wars and want their younger generation to have the same spirit as their elders had. Anirab (eternal flame), Baqi (everlasting), and Chiranjeevi (one who has no end) are other such wonderful names that carry family’s beliefs and values.


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  1. Life after death.
  2. Chapter 3: Towards Eternal Life.
Shikha is a writer-turned-editor at MomJunction, with over seven years of experience in the field of content. Having done a certification in Relationship Coaching, her core interest lies in writing articles that guide couples through their courtship to marriage and parenthood.

Read full bio of Shikha Thakur